Chapter 14: A Brothel For Dreams, Pinch Me I'm Dreaming

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** setting/facial/emotional change
'' thinking
() author notes
[] reading
Words spell casting _______________________________________________________________________________________


*3rd pov*

A loud booming roar echoed in the mansion halls and were soon followed by the grunts of a strained warrior who was left exhausted and aggravated at his predicament. He dodged a flail from the beast as it let out another howl.

(Y): *stern* Is that the best you got?

The warrior was cunning and quick, but was he able to handle even this? Soon, the mighty beast swung its arm down, catching the warrior and pinning him to the ground. The beast soon crawled closer to his pinned prey, his mouth slobbering and his fangs gleaming.

(Y): *strained* Well....go on then! Do it!

The best then let out a low growl as it soon started to rub against the warrior with his head.

(Y): *sighs* Come on Tiko, this is supposed to be training for you so you can defend yourself agaisnt theives.

*1st pov* 

It's been a few weeks since my last adventure, and in that time, Tiko has grown considerably large from the young Rancor cub I found.......after I killed his mother........thank god he doesn't remember that.......I think......In any case, Tiko's now about the size of like a small shed or an SUV, so he needs to learn to defend himself, and that's what I've been trying to teach him, but when he does pin me to the ground, he never shows any killing intent. On one hand, I think it just shows he does love me, but on the other, he may not be willing to acutally stop anyone, and I worry that will be what gets him....killed.

Tiko then picked his arm up off me as he kept rubbing his head agaisnt my body. I got up and began to scratch around his neck and rub the top of his head as he continued to purr. 

(Y): *smiles* Well, at least you can pin your opponent down. So we have made progress. I think you deserve a treat.

I started to walk through the halls towards the kitchen as Tiko soon followed, although I think soon we'll need to find a barn or a stable to fit into, since he can't possible stay in the mansion for too much longer, or else there won't be a mansion for any of us to stay in. Boga has been able to fit into the mansion easily for the most part, but as a full grown Varactyl, he won't be growing any larger. Tiko on the other hand will more than likely grow to the size of a house. I made it to the living room where I saw Megumin and Darkness were playing chess at the table, Astarte was brushing Yui's hair, and Kazuma was just laying out on the couch in front of the fire place. I made a b-line straight for the kitchen as I opened the fridge to find some raw toad meat and jagras meat to feed to Tiko. Since that last mission, I was given a lot of the Jagras meat from the ones I killed. Turns out it's a lot leaner than toad meat and actually tastes kinda like beef though a little tougher. I took out at least 5 slabs of Jagras meat and 4 pieces of toad meat as Tiko stood behind me whining in anticipation. I then fed Tiko as he either grabbed the slab of meat with his claws or had me toss the meat into his mouth as he ate it within seconds before being ready for the next piece. After I finished feeding him, Tiko went over by the fireplace and curled up before going to sleep as I soon joined him as I laid against him. While I was resting with my rancor, I decided to listen in on the others. Astarte was humming a little lullaby as she brushed Yui's hair, and Megumin was coming up with fake moves in chess for her lack of actual skill in chess. Yep, things were quite pea-

Aqua: *sing-song voice* Oh Kazuma, your goddess demands her rightful spot by the fire.

Kazuma: *confused* Huh? 

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