Chapter 59 - Surprise in Japan

Start from the beginning

By the end of their third week in Japan, Ariel felt more lost, confused and anxious than before. She also worried about Andy and how he was doing, so she video-called him through Rita's phone.

"Hey darling, how've you been? Oh, what's that you're wearing?" Ariel noticed Andy was dressed in cosplay.

"Hi Mum! I'm a super soldier!" Andy slid the barrel of his Nerf gun and showed off his soldier suit and helmet.

"Oh, how interesting," Ariel complimented. "Who got you that?"



"Yeah! He and Sky comes every day to play with me!" Andy smiled broadly. "Leon, come say hi to my mum!"

Leon shoved his head into the screen with a batman mask and suit. "Miss Beautiful!" He greeted with a smile and a wave with a Nerf gun in his hand.

Ariel laughed at his cosplay costume.

"Watch this, mum!" exclaimed Andy. He asked Rita to steady the phone and he began to play a shooting game with Leon, who was just as involved and childlike. Even Sky was included. The dog had red a cape around her neck and she barked and chased them around. Ariel could not stop laughing at the comical scene. They were just so funny and cute.

"What do you think?" Andy asked.

"More fun than being in Japan," Ariel said. "I miss you, darling. I'll come back with some of your favourite snacks from Japan, ok?"

"Yay!!" Andy cried in excitement with his hands up. Ariel asked to speak with Leon privately and Rita handed him her phone, while Andy continued playing with Sky.

Leon took off his mask, "So, anything happened in Japan?"

"Work as usual," she sighed defeatedly.

"You don't look happy."

Ariel yawned, "Just tired."

"I don't believe you."

"While I appreciate you keeping my son company and making him happy,  don't you think it's time you stop coming by my house every day? I'll get in trouble with my bosses because of you."

"Well, Mr. Hiroshi-ma ain't my boss and since he forced his sister into my house, he's driven me into yours," he flashed raised brows with a grin.

Ariel bit her lower lip and showed him a disapproving look.

"How long more before you're back?" he asked.

"One more week. I'll survive...I'll survive...I'll survive," the smile on Ariel's face faded. Leon noticed she started mumbling to herself again, her mind seemed focused was elsewhere.

The following week arrived and they were now in Tokyo. They had made it halfway through the week and Ariel was feeling exhausted but looking forward to going home soon.

"Ariel, it's your off-day from tomorrow for two days before we fly back home. I'd like you to meet me at 7pm on the last day at Fish Bank TOKYO at the Shiodome City Center building. It's a luxury restaurant that I'd like to bring you to."

"Sure, I'll see you then," she nodded.

She was relieved to have those days off to herself, while Hiroshi continued to be busy with overseeing Fujita Corporation's operations in Tokyo. Ariel stared down at the streets from the full-height window of her luxury suite from the top floor, looking at passers-by and observing some youths walking past in their carefree nature, singing and laughing below the bright neon signages. How she wished to be carefree and simple like them, away from the stress and complicated business dealings. The beep on her phone distracted her from her thoughts.

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