I fight to relieve the guilt until he came along....16

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  • Dedicated to Bree Saldevar

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Chapter 16:

I ran back inside to see Sarah gone upstairs and Jacob sitting down on the couch with his head on his knees...

"What's wrong?"

"Well after this chaos, I guess you wanna know the whole story to that Juvie thing?" Jacob asked.

"Well I wasn't thinking about that, but now that you mentioned it... continue please" I sat down with a pillow on my lap.

"Ok well it was only 3 years ago, I got into some trouble at school. Sarah and I got bankrupt and I had to work 3 jobs so i was usually grumpy during the day. One day I got into a fight with this gang and they brought me to their leader. They gave me money for a while just to help me and Sarah... but in return I have to get their drugs to someone in the school."

"OH Jacob" I said with my hand on my mouth.

"Yea.... Anyways long story short, I got caught and I was accused for drug dealing and lastly I was sent to juvie." He explained.

"Wow.... im sorry to hear that... but since you told me a secret, would you like to hear my story?"

"Story? could yours be any worse?" He asked.

"In my point yes... Ok here we go.... When I was a little I was ALWAYS  curious about things. So when my father got me a toy oven, I wanted to be like my mama, a great cook! When I see her, she is smiling and fire was in her pans and pots! It was absolutely beautiful! One day I snuck in cooking oil from the kitchen and rubbed it on my toy oven. The thing was plastic so when I lit the oven on it was a horrible fire, unlike my mother's fire, this was dangerous. I kicked the toy oven and it hit my mother's foot. The horrible thing was she was holding my baby brother and sister. She tried to kick the toy away and trying to cover my siblings. But the fire got caught onto the curtain behind her and lit the house on fire. The roof started to cave in and my father led me and my brother out of the way."

"Oh my god."

" Yep... but then before my father got to my mother and siblings the a peice of the ceiling fell on my mom and she fell. My siblings' clothes were on fire and- and- my mother and siblings burned to death... I killed 3 innocent people that day"

Jacob saw me shaking and crying and hugged me... 


The Door burst open and the lights went out. I tried to see if i can find Jacob but something caught me and all of the sudden i was being carried away by some men or women. 

"Evelynn!" was the last thing I heard before something hit my head and i knocked out.

I fight to relieve the guilt until he came along....Where stories live. Discover now