Chapter 17: Almost.

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Everyone got up and did their morning routine before heading downstairs.

They all arrived to the dinning room and sat down to eat their breakfast.

As everyone were eating, Ji-ho suddently spoke...

Ji-ho: Chiidrens, today we got an invitation at my freind's house for dinner.

Taehyung: Really?

Ji-ho: Yes so we are going there tonight.

Jungkook suddently spoke...

Jungkook: Dad...?

Ji-ho looked at him...

Ji-ho: Yes dear?

Jungkook: Dad, i'm not feeling good can i stay at home?

Ji-ho thought for a while...

Ji-ho: But we can't leave you alone, dear.

Taehyung: Then i will stay with him.

Ji-a: Dear that's really sweet of you but they called us for dinner especially for you. It's to congratulate us about your wedding.

Taehyung made an 'o' shape with his mouth and nodded.

YN spoke hesitantly...

YN: C-Can i stay w-with Kook?

They all looked at her as well Jungkook who was shocked.

Ji-ho: Do you really want to?

YN: Yes plus i also wanted to start some work regarding oppa's wedding.

They thought for a while and agreed to it...

Ji-a: Ok then we will go but you both, take care. You can also order the food from outside, it's better to not to make ajhumma and the others workers tired just by making food for 2 people.

The youngers nodded and they continued to eat the breakfast peacefully.

After that everyone got up and the olders went for the preparation for the dinner.

YN took her files and her laptop before sitting on the couch and turning on the laptop.

She started to look for some workers, etc...

YN: Hello? Yes I'm Kim YN the wedding planner....Yes i wanted to book the workers for a wedding....Yes...For one month later...Ok...Thank you...Yeah bye.

YN: Ok the workers are done!

YN: Hello? Yes I'm Kim YN the wedding planner....I want you to send me a person for the wedding cards...Yes please send him the next week to (put any adress you want). Thank you so much...Bye.

YN: The cards are also done!

YN: Hello? Yes I'm Kim YN the wedding planner....I wanted to book a hall for a wedding which is held in one month....Yes...i will send you the details later....Yeah...Bye and thank you!

YN: Ok hall's booking too is done!

YN got up from the couch after closing all of her files and her computer.

She stretched her whole body while groaning.

YN: Ahh what a tiring work!!

With that she headed upstairs to her room to put her belongings.

After that she did some random things...


Ji-ho, Ji-a and Taehyung were ready and were standing in front of the main door.

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