Chapter 4: Meeting once again.

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The bride's family came to Taehyung's home to meet him...

"Ji-a i really love your son" Jisoo's mother said and the family smiled happily. "Me too, i really love Jisoo".

Taehyung and Jisoo were feeling so shy that they were blushing "Wow, congratulations to you all!!" Jungkook shouted happily.

Then they celebrated the news, "Hmm so when should we arrange the marriage?" Ji-ho asked and they decided for 3 months later.

Suddently Jisoo's father said "But Ji-ho, my freind, don't mind but i have a request". Everyone frowned "Tell me my brother, what is it?".

"I want an engagement party firstly, then the marriage ceremony" Ji-ho laughed "Oh my dear freind, why not of course. We will held the engagement party in this house".

Ji-ho said and everyone agreed happily to it, "Hmm what about we hire an wedding planner, because we are not that profesional in this matter?".

Jisoo's mother proposed "I think you are right, we should hire one" Ji-a added before Ji-ho "Ok, then i will hire an wedding planner".

They were all so happy and were talking a lot about the upcoming wedding.


Lisa was at YN's house, YN was working on her laptop and Lisa was sitting beside her while scrolling trough her phone.

"Did you have any order recently?" YN shook her head "Not yet but i think an order will come very soon" Lisa raised her eyebrows.

"How do you know?" YN chuckled "My sixth sence is strong, so don't worry" with that YN continued to type on her laptop.

Few hours later, YN got an email. She opened it and read it before calling for Lisa who was cooking the dinner in the kitchen.

"Lisa look here!" Lisa groaned "What now, can't you see i'm cooking!?" YN then got up and ran to the kitchen.

Lisa looked at YN "Yeah what is it?" YN showed to her her email and Lisa widened her eyes.

"Wow you got a big order!" YN nodded happily "Yes, and it's a full package. The engagement party, the marriage ceremony and the reception party".

Lisa was so happy for YN "Then promise me that you will buy me a beautiful dress after you got your pay".

YN chuckled and back hugged her "Anything for my princess!" Lisa chuckled and continued to cook.

Sometimes later, YN and Lisa were eating their dinner and Lisa asked "So when are you going to your client's house?".

YN finished to munch her food then spoke "Tomorrow" Lisa nodded and they finished to eat their dinner.

Then they both went to sleep, Lisa was having a sleep over at YN's house.


YN got up at 8:30 AM and did her morning routine, she had to go to her client's house at 11 AM.

She wore her chlothes then went to cook the breakfast for herself and Lisa who was still sleeping.

She wore her chlothes then went to cook the breakfast for herself and Lisa who was still sleeping

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