Tetsuya's Birthday

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It was still vacation, luckily I wasn't shipped off to boot camp this time round and the fridgid winter was slowly starting to warm back up. I had spent the last two weeks in Akita but for some reason Tatsuya, Murasakibara and I couldn't get our schedules to work so we could hang out, not even for movie night. 

I was staying at Otoosan's place while I hung out with friends and did a few training sessions with Ojisan.
It was about 3PM, I was at home listening to music and texting with Nozomi when my phone lit up with a call from Riko. 


"Hey Saya-chan are you busy?"

"Not really, what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I was wondering if you could pick up some pastries from that really nice cake shop from around the corner of your dads place?"

"Sure, give me…. half an hour?"

"Thanks Saya-chan!" Riko said as we hung up. 

I quickly threw on an oversized baby pink hoodie dress with a gloomy bear design on the front in black the ended jut above my knees, a pair of thigh high stockings  with baby pink leg warmers and a pair of white sneakers. I put my hair up into pigtails and grabbed a large black scarf before I made my way to the bakery around the corner. 

Riko messaged me the delivery address and a list of everything she needed….which was basically half the sweet pastry shelf. 

Geez what the hell does she need all of this for.

It was about a twenty minute or so walk to the address she sent me. It was in good neighbourhood, lots of apartments and parks.
I arrived at an apartment and knocked on the door, fidgeting with my scarf. 

Who even lives here…

The front door opened and I was face to face with Taiga, who looked downright confused. 

"Oh, hi Taiga-san, is Riko here?" I asked showing him the two bags of desserts. 

"Hey Sayaka-san, come on in." He moved aside and gestured for me to come in, I walked past him into the living room, taking my scarf off. His apartment was modern and spacious.

"Saya-chan what a surprise!" That's when I noticed Tatsuya sitting on the floor. 


"What brings you here?" 

"Riko-chan asked me to drop by with some pastries. They sell some of the best pastries in Tokyo. Where is she?"

"Not here yet. I still don't get how you two know each other." Sighed Taiga as he tossed an apron to Tatsuya. I made the rounds saying hello to the others from Seirin. I put the pastries in Taigas fridge. 

"So what's this all about?" I gestured to the party decorations. 

"It's Kurokos birthday" Junpei answered as he pulled apart another home made garland. 

"Oh! Well let him know I said happy birthday." I grabbed my scarf ready to leave. 

"Huh? Where do you think you're going?" Taiga asked, well…yelled from the kitchen. 

"Stay Saya-san the more the merrier" added Tatsuya. 

"We could really use your help cleaning up" Kazunari with a smile. 

For next hour or so I helped clean up the decorations with the other boys. The doorbell rang again while I was mid conversation with Taiga enlightening him on how Tatsuya and I met. 

"Oh there you are…huh Aomine why are you here?!" I looked up hearing the surprise in Taigas voice. In walked Tetsuya with all of the Generation of Miracles. 

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