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It was Friday night of the first week of training and I was still 
I retreated to the room I shared with Riko-chan while she stayed up going over strategies with the boys. I'd just gotten out of the shower and lied on my bed in a t-shirt and shorts. Hair still damp, spilling over my shoulders. 

I absently scrolled through various social media sites, trying to find something interesting to read but nothing caught my attention. 
A message came in on my phone from the group chat I have with Murasakibara-kun and Tatsu-kun.  

Idiot- 8:53PM
"Yo Aya-chin, are you dead?"

Me- 8:53PM
"Not yet"

Tatsuya- 8:54PM
"You have such a way with words Atsushi. How is your time away?"

Me- 8:55PM
"It's hard work but it's been fun"

Idiot- 8:55PM 
"Are you two seriously going to talk about boring ass basketball?" 

Me- 8:56PM
"If it means enduring your attitude then no I'd rather not"

I knew that killed the chat and I angrily sighed, grabbing my pillow and shoving my face into it. 

Why am I so angry, this isn't like me. Get it together. 

My phone buzzed again. I ignored it. A minute later it buzzed again. This continued for 10 minutes before I pulled my head out of my pillow.
I had seventeen seperate text messages, all from Murasakibara-kun. 

Idiot- 9PM

Idiot- 9:01PM

Idiot- 9:02PM

Idiot- 9:03PM

Idiot- 9:04PM

Idiot- 9:05PM

Idiot- 9:06PM

Idiot- 9:07PM
"Aya-chin stop ignoring me!"

*Insert angry animated twinkie gif x10 times sent in individual messages*

I snorted scrolling to the bottom of the thread yo reply. 

Me- 9:11PM
"Okay, okay you can stop blowing up my phone. What's up?"

Idiot- 9:11PM
"What's wrong?" 

My heart thumped hard in my chest. 

Even Murasakibara-kun noticed. Jeez I must be acting strange. 

Me- 9:12PM
"Nothing, just tired" 

My phone screen lit up as I received a  call....from Murasakibara-kun.

What the hell?


"Why do you sound so confused Aya-chin. Its clearly me"

I rolled my eyes into the phone at Murasakibara's irritatingly casual tone. 

"Yeah, yeah. How can I help you Murasakibara-kun?"

"Oh....were you....sleeping or something? Oopsie"

"Not yet" a weird awkward pause fell over both of us. 


"Mmmm" he mumbled down the phone, clearly thinking quite hard about what he was going to say next. 

"-Muro-chin is on a date or something"

"Oh okay so he didnt come over for movie night?" 

"Well want to watch a movie?" There was brief pause before he quickly added. 

"- Im only asking because you sound sad and homesick" 

"Yeah, I'd like that." 

Just like a usual Friday.

I woke up at the sound of my 6AM alarm. I smacked my alarm clock and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked at my phone. 

I don't remember falling asleep....I remember getting half way through the movie.

I saw a text notification amongst my usual morning notifications. 

Idiot- 10:54PM
"You snore like a dude"

I checked the call log on my phone, the call ended at 3 hours 15 minutes. 

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