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Riko called it, I actively avoided going back to Akita for the last two weekends and stayed in Tokyo, using every excuse under the sun. 

In that time I hadn't heard from Murasakibara at all, hell even our group with Tatsuya hadn't been touched in weeks. To be honest, I felt sad. I missed them both and brcause of my less than enthusiastic attitude my friends had noticed and wormed the truth out of me, well everything except his name.

Currently we were at Nozomi's house getting ready to head over to the Tokyo Metropolitan Gynasium to watch the quarter finals of the Winter Cup. I could not be more anxious. 

I was already dressed while the other picked what to wear. I had a white long sleeve top with a glitch graphic print in neon green and purple tucked into a black high waist aline mini skirt adorned with little metal chains, buckles and rivets with two small side splits. I had on black stockings and my usual black boots. 
I threw my hair into a high side pony tail. 

What if he sees me? What do I do if he wants to talk? What if he flat out pretends I don't exist?

"Hey, earth to Sayaka!" I snapped out of my spiralling thoughts as I heard Sora call to me. 

"Oh, sorry Sora-chan. What were you saying?" 

"Tsh were you day dreaming about that boy you almost did It with?" Akane asked. 

"I, oh well. I'm- I'm just anxious in case I run into him…we haven't really spoken-"

"Since you dry humped on his couch!" Nozomi interrupted before bursting into laughter. 

"Nozomi!" Yuka scolded her before giving my shoulder a reassuring rub. 

"Everything will be fine. you're just overthinking it with that big brain of yours" she said playfully knocking on my head. 

"So are you going to tell us who this boy is? Obviously a Yosen boy." Akane mused as she started listing the players on her fingers. 

"This is exactly why I'm not telling you."

"That's no fair Saya-chan! I need to know who my love rival is!" Nozomi yelled wiping a very fake and over dramatic tear from her eye. 

"Not even if hell froze over No-chan." I gave her my biggest brightest smile.
I think I watched her heart break. 

We got to the gymnasium and took our  seats in the stands. We were in the front row right behind Seirins bench. I sat in between Yuka and Nozomi with Akane and Sora on either side of them. 
The air in the gymnasium was electric, the crowd was already going nuts, it somehow got even louder as both teams started making there way out of the tunnel. I jumped up out of my seat to the railings and waved like a maniac at Riko. 

"Kick their ass Riko!" She gave me a sheepish/embarrassed wave back before making her way over to the bench. Nozomi pulled me back to my seat by my skirt. 

"I thought we've been over this?" 

"S-sorry No-chan. The air is so electrified, I got a little worked up." I smiled sheepishly at her.

"Uh huh, you've said that every game. I bet you'll be up on the fence cheering Seirin on in...under five minutes." She said pointing to her watch. 

"I'm just being encouraging."

"Is that why you told that guy the other day you'll beat him within an inch of his life if he boos for Seirin one more time?" Akane leant over Nozomi with a sly smile. 

"I'm aggressively encouraging." 

"You down right scare me sometimes." Yuka added leaning over Sora. 

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