Hot flashes

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It was day 3 of boot camp. Ojisan and Riko-chan brought us all to the beach near our resort. I threw on a pair of black high wasited short cut leggings with purple marbling, black crop top and a white oversized tank top that finished just below my shorts.
Ojisan and Riko-chan were explaining the purpose for running laps on the beach. It was to teach us to apply pressure correctly when running. I mostly tuned out, thinking about Shiki-kun. I wrote 8 replies to his message but each time I would just delete it.

I feel like crap, why can't I just be left alone…

"Saya get your head out the clouds and get ready to run, you will be timed!" Called Ojisan, pointing at the stop watch in his hand. 

"Sorry Ojisan!" I called quickly taking off the tank top and took my position lining up next to the others. 

Focus, don't think about that idiot.

"3, 2, 1!" The whistle blew and I powered forward with all the strength I could muster. 
In that split second, where I could feel my muscles coil in my legs before springing to life. I flashed back to a memory. 

'My leg muscles constricted as I slid down onto Shiki-kuns cock filling me with pleasure and pain.'

I shook my head and pressed on, taking care of how much pressure I applied to each leg. 

'I twisted my hips in a circular motion, testing the new feeling of being full. I ached and burned all at the same time. His hands snaking their way from my hips towards my breasts…'

"Stop it" I muttered as I ran along the beach, trying to shake my memories. 

"Huh, what did you say Nakazawa-san?!" Huga called, giving me a puzzled look from next to him. 

"Nothing" I called back before running ahead. 

If I run harder it will stop.

I started to pant slightly from the mix of heat, speed and number of laps I'd run. I had lost count, I was trying to be engrossed in my steps, the pressure applied and my breathing.

'My breaths were heavy, sweat beading at my forehead as my hips started to move at an increased speed.
Deeper. I need more…'

I grunted in frustration as more memories started to consume my thoughts. 

"Stop it!" 

"Huh?!" Taiga-san yelled at me giving me his usual confused glare. 

"Nothing dummy!" I snapped as I surged past him to the finish line and running back towards the other end of the course. My muscles tensed further as they attempted to adjust to the feeling of running on the sand. 

' "Shiki…" the tight coiling feeling started building more in my lower stomach, pulsing towards the tips of my toes, my finger tips, the top of my head. Every nerve ending was on fire. Each thrust sending a new wave of heat closer to the edges of my body.'

If I just keep pushing, I can push him out of my brain. Just a little more.

"Saya.." the same hands that gripped my breasts slid to my hips. Holding them in place with an iron grip. Thrusts meeting my hips more feverishly and starting to lose any semblance of rythm. That's when he hit that little spot deep inside of me.

"Time!" I heard Riko-chan call. I saw the dull shapes of bodies collapse in the sand. I stopped in place, blinking a few times to regain my vision properly. 

I sighed sitting in the sand, pulling my legs close to my chest to rest my head on my knees. The sound of water shifting in a water bottle caught my attention, before I felt coolness on my upper arm. I moved my head to the right just enough to see Riko-chan with a  water bottle and a timer in hand. 

She crouched in front of me handing me the water bottle. 

"Dad said you set a new personal best for yourself" she smiled at me. I nodded as I took a sip from the water bottle before dumping most of it over my head. 

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong yet or do I just keep guessing?" She asked in that sweet but terrifying way she gets during a basketball game.

"Because no one runs themselves ragged so quickly during training for no reason" she continued. I took another sip of water as another full body sigh left my body. 

"Shiki-kun dumped me."

"What?! When?!"

"Keep your voice down…it happened the day we left." 

"Jeez, I'm sorry Saya-chan. What an ass." 
Another awkward pause. 

"He's living rent free in my head still. I want it to stop." 

"I'm not an expert but I don't think you can run it out."

"Well what am I supposed to do, all I do is think about him."

"I'm told the best way to get over someone is to just be happy." She shrugged taking a seat next to me.

"Who gave you that advice?"


We both shared a look before laughing. 

"I know you're angry right now but the best revenge is finding happiness" Riko said clapping my shoulder and walking over to the boys to back more orders at them. 

"Revenge as happiness huh…"

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