Games- Part Two

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I waited for Murasakibara to get changed in the lounge room, I'm sure my cheeks were still flushed. 

Why am I acting like some kind of virgin? It's not like you haven't seen a naked boy before…Get it together Sayaka. It's Atsushi. He is your friend.

"Just friends" I mumbled as I lied back onto the couch cushion, stretching my arms above my head. 

"Huh, did you say something Aya-chin?" Murasakibara asked walking down the hallway towards me. 

"Oh no, nothing." He flopped on the couch in his usual spot. 

"I'm so hungry" he whined, elongating the 'so'. 

"What do you want?"

"Mmm, I don't know. Just order whatever but order dessert." He unwrapped a lollipop and popped it into his mouth before tossing a controller at me. 

"You know how to play Tekken right?" 

"I'm not going to go easy on you."
"Im going to crush you" he said arrogantly with just a touch of side eye. It was rare to see Murasakibara take anything seriously, it was easy to tell though. He got that look in his eye and even his posture changed but what always caught me off guard was the aura he exuded. The intensity was insane. 

"Don't make promises you can't keep." A low almost growl escaped his lips as he focused on the tv. 

"I win." Murasakibara let out a frustrated grunt as he lightly kicked the coffee table, moving it a few inches across the floor. 

"You cheated." He pouted, while sucking on his sixth lollipop.


"There's no freaking way you could win seven games in a row!" 

"Just get good Murasakibara-kun." 

"What did you just say to me?!"

"I said.." I sat up on the lounge and took the last lollipop from the coffee table unwrapping it. 

Strawberry. He sure is a creature of habit. 

"Get good Atsushi." I popped the lollipop into my mouth. The look on his face was priceless! It looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel. I started to laugh, hoping I wouldn't inhale the lollipop in the process. 
I heard a cracking noise, you know the kind when you crack open a lollipop in your mouth? Yeah that.

Next thing I knew I was bowled over on the couch, luckily there was a pillow next to the arm of the couch otherwise that would have really stung. 

I found Murasakibara looming above me. Remember that intense aura I was talking about? Yeah, it was cranked up from a five to a ten. He grabbed both arms from my sides and pinned my wrists above my head in one giant hand. My lower body was angled sideways while he was twisting my upper half to lie flat on my back. I twisted my hips to face the same way as my upper body and tried to bring my knees up to force space between us. Murasakibara mearly grabbed one of my legs and wrapped it....around.....his....waist.

He's...between my legs....Holy shit.

This wasn't the first time we've wrestled but this felt...alot different.

We were both alot different. 

The first time we wrestled was when I smacked him in the face with couch cushions for being a jerk. Back then he was 6'1 and definitely not as strong or muscular. He had that lazy 'I win' grin on his face. 
I was only 5'3, alot skinnier and alot less muscular. Did I mention I was basically flat chested? 
That was 100% a play fight. 

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