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Author's POV

"Even if we are hiding something what can you do."

Lan wangji's words shocked the crowd. They never heard him talking this rudely to someone .

Lan qiren," wangji how can you talk like this to someone. Where are your manners."
Lan qiren sounded very much angry.

Lan wangji stared at his uncle for sometime and then said,
"That person was rude to brother. When others can talk rudely to us why can't we respond back."

Everyone couldn't believe that person infront of them was lan wangji.
No one has ever seen this side of him.

The atmosphere was quite as no one was talking.
Then some footsteps were heard.
The copies of the rest of the crowd came and stood near their originals.

"They look so scary."

"How should we get rid of them?"

"I don't think anyone have answer of this question."

The crowd was talking among themselves.
Then some cracking sounds could be heard. Everyone looked around to see what was happening. They couldn't understand what was happening.

Then someone shouted from the crowd.
"Everyone look down."

Everyone looked down and saw that cracks were appearing on the ground. The crowd stood up to run but it was too late.
The ground opened and everyone fell inside.

Some of them fell on their back and some who balanced themselves on time landed safely.
  They looked around and we're shocked to see what was infront of them.

"Stygian tiger Amulet??"

"Why it is here?"

"Grab it fast before anyone can take it."


"Xian gege."

Shouted the little kid on seeing the person tied to the poles.
He ran towards the person but was stopped by the guards in the middle.


"Leave me . I want to go to Xian gege."
The kid shouted while struggling with the chains tied to his hands and foot.

Mey lien was horrified to see that they tied a little kid to the chains.

'How can they be so heartless tying a little kid to chains. Do they fear that he will run away. He is just a small kid. '

She started to struggle with the chains tied to her hands to free herself from them .
'i need to take him away from here. I must save him. Don't worry son I will save you from these people.'

Her efforts were useless as the chains didn't broke.

King,"Mey lien what you have done is extremely shameful for our heavenly realm. It is an unforgettable crime. Your and your son's death today will an example for all the people of heavenly realm that if they dare you make demons as their life partners and betray the heavenly realm they will have the same ending.
Start the punishment."

"Father wait. Are you going to destroy sister's soul first. I think first we should kill this kid. Let sister see this by her own eyes and realise her mistake. Dying by herself is an easy punishment for her."

Saying this the girl looked at her father (king) for a while.
When the king didn't said anything she smirked evilly and announced.

"The kid will be killed first. His body and soul both will be destroyed. Then Mey lien's soul will be destroyed alongwith this mortal's body."

The king didn't said anything to object it so the punishment starred.

Mey lien was terrified to listen what her step sister said.
She could no longer control her tears and started to cry terribly.

She looked at her sister and shouted,
"Aren't you too cruel."

"Sister I am just following the rules."

Her step mother and her step sister both had an evil smirk on their face enjoying the scene infront of them. While her father looked unbothered as if the person he was going to kill was not related to him in any way.

Ayuan,"leave me I want Xian gege. "

Ignoring the shouting of the little kid the guards dragged him and tied his both hands to the poles infront of Mey lien.

Ayuan whose hands were hurt because of the chains tied tightly to his hands started to cry.

Ayuan," ayuan is hurt. Ayuan wants Xian gege."

Mey lien tried to coax her little son.

Mey lien," ayuan don't cry. Look I am here. I will take you home to granny. Then we will eat her tasty meal. "

Many people among the crowd cried seeing the mother and child interaction.
Many among them were mothers. They could feel her pain.

Mey lien,"Ki..king ple....please my son. grandson... please..have please."

Her cries could melt anyone's heart but the king remained expressionless and didn't stopped the punishment.

Then deep cuts were made on both the wrists of the kid .
The kid cried in pain .
Fresh blood started to fell from his hands.

Mey lien,"No no stop. Don't hurt him. Ayuan don't be scared. I will save you."
Mey lien was fighting with the chains to free herself to reach ayuan.

The loss of blood will slowly kill the child and when his soul will be about to leave the body it will be destroyed by the king himself.

The little kid was losing blood very fast. And after sometime he went unconscious.

Mey lien,"no noooo, ayaun son open your eyes. Don't scare mama. Please. Please someone help me. Please save my son."
She cried while looking at the crowd.
But no one did anything to help her.

Mey lien,"I will save him. I must save him. I will save him. My son. I will save him."
Murmuring these words to herself she closed her eyes.
It was quite atmosphere now. Mey lien was completely quite and this was shocking for the crowd .

After sometime she opened her eyes .
The chains around her hands became red and started to melt. It created deep burn marks on the boy's hands but no expression of pain could be seen in his face.
Everyone was shocked to see this.
They couldn't understand how she burned the chains when she didn't had her powers.
As soon as freed herself from the chains she ran towards ayuan.

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