Don't Lie

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Author's POV

Lan xichen ,"they means who looked back."

As soon as Lan xichen said these words murmuring sounds were heard.
The crowd panicked.

"How can they be dead."

"They were just with us."

"It is so dark. We can be easily attacked without noticing."

"But there should be some sounds of struggling or fighting."

Lan xichen, "do you all remembered wei wuxian's last words,
' Let's play'. This must be a kind of game from which if we want to make alive we have to take right decisions. I warn all of you to not break the rules written in this paper."

Nie minjue, "Let's see the next rule."

"Rule-2 don't l...."
Before he could finish reading it , a voice was heard frightening everyone.

"Hey do you have medicines I am burnt all over."

Everyone looked at the source of voice . Many screamed by what they saw , many just closed their eyes tightly and some grabbed their mouth tightly to stop themselves from shouting.

There was a lady whose body was brutally burned standing in front of jin guangshan . Her look was enough make anyone scared to death.
She was wearing a red robe which was torn at several places showing her burned skin. Her face was barely recognisable.

Jin guangshan looked at her with wide open eyes filled of fear.
He started sweating. They lady was continuously looking at him as if waiting for an answer.
Jin guangshan trembled in fear. He didn't know if he should answer or not.
He kept quite and the lady continued staring at him.
After sometime she repeated herself.

"Hey do you have medicines I am burnt all over."

Unable to take the staring anymore jin guangshan said in a trembling voice,

The lady gave jin guangshan a disappointed look.

Then she walked near another person and asked the same question.

"Hey do you have medicines I am burnt all over."

The person gulped nervously as he recognised her as she was standing near him.

Some who recognised the lady were now more afraid. Though she was burnt but her face was not completely distorted.
She looked quite scary from near. The person also replied,

This time it was not disappointed on lady's face. It was anger. She looked at the person angrily and went close to him.

Suddenly she pierced a  needle in his neck killing him there.

The crowd was shocked seeing this but no one made a sound.
It was fast and unexpected. They couldn't protect that person.

This time lady walked near jin guangyao and asked the same thing staring at him.
"Hey do you have medicines I am burnt all over."

Jin guangyao didn't said anything instead he took out a small jade bottle from his sleeve and handed it to the lady.

The lady bowed to jin guangyao formally and then went away.

Everyone took a breath of relief when she went away.

"What was that."

"What the hell is happening here?"

"I don't want to be here anymore."

"If I am right she was Wen Qing right."

Jin guangyao, "I recognised her. She was definitely Wen Qing. I am sure."

Jiang Cheng,"But isn't she dead? "

Nie minjue, "Since she is dead how come she is here.How is it possible."

Lan xichen, "We have many questions but no one to answer them. And one important question now is why did lady wen killed that person but didn't killed sect leader jin and Ayao.

Nie huaisang," I think I have answer."

Nie minjue,"what is it?"

Nie huaisang, "why don't all of you read the second rule."

"Rule-2 don't lie."

"But how does this person's death related to  this rule."

Jiang Cheng, "there can be only one conclusion ."

"And what is it?"

Jiang Cheng, "This person lied. Check his body."

Few people standing nearby checked the dead body and found a bottle of medicine.

Seeing this people understood that this game was no joke and also rules were no joke. They have to be careful to survive.

Lan xichen, "I think now all of you must believe that you must follow the rules."

Everyone nodded in agreement.
Jin guangshan, "it's not right."

Lan qiren,"what happened. "

Jin guangshan looked at them with confused eyes,
"I have medicine."

Jiang Cheng, "what?"

Nie minjue,"It is so confusing . It doesn't makes sense."

Nie huaisang, "why didn't lady wen hurt sect leader jin . First he didn't had box , he is standing in the centre and now lady wen didn't hurt him."

"What's happening here?"

"Does it mean that sect leader jin can break the rules."

Lan xichen, "All of please calm down and be quite. As I have said there are questions but no answers. So let's leave this topic for now and see the next rule."


"They are playing."

Lan zhan,"what do you mean?"

Wei ying, "Lan zhan isn't the meaning clear? They are playing."

Lan zhan repeated himself because the person was just trying to play with words.
"What do you mean?"

Wei ying," I won't answer. Be good Lan zhan. Go to bed and rest."

Lan zhan gritted his teeth in anger because he was helpless infront of this person

Lan zhan,"I don't want to rest."

Wei ying, "But you need rest. Don't argue, go to bed now. Don't make me to force you Lan zhan."

Lan zhan just stood and laid on the bed holding his bichen.

He closed his eyes but couldn't sleep. He was very exhausted and needed rest but his mind had several thoughts.

He could neither meditate nor sleep. He looked at the person who
was sitting near table.
He was supporting his chin with his hand which was resting on table and drifting to sleep form time to time.

Lan zhan, "sleep on bed. I can't sleep."

The person looked at Lan zhan with sleepy eyes.
Wei ying,"But you need rest."

Lan zhan," You too."

Wei ying," Lan zhan how about we share bed."
Listening this Lan zhan gave wei ying an annoyed look.
Lan zhan," I don't share bed."

Wei ying," will you do it with wei ying?"
Lan zhan looked at wei ying as if saying yes.
Seeing this the person laughed.
Wei ying,"Lan zhan your face says it all. Okay I am allowing you to sleep with him."

Saying this wei ying walked near the bed. He closed his eyes for few seconds and then again opened it.

Wei ying,"Lan zhan let's sleep. "
Lan zhan looked at wei ying with a faint smile with ended within a second and said,

They both lay on bed side by side.
Both of them were exhausted and it didn't took them more than one minute to go in deep sleep.

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