" But are you sure?", he asked.

Tae nodded. " After I got the sign, I directly confronted him and told him to stay away if he only had bad intentions. And he didn't deny my accusations", he chuckled.

" And it's been three days since I've seen him. Isn't it already too clear?" Tae scoffed, turning to the other now.

Jimin was confounded by the information. But he knew it was right. Tae has got the information confirmed.

Jimin himself was sure that Jungkook is up to something. But he was still hoping his intuitions were wrong. But it seems like they were right.

Jimin nodded in agreement. " You are right, there are no more doubts", he scoffed. " Now since you know it, stay away from him at all costs", he said.

" I don't need you to tell me that", Tae said smiling.

Jimin sighed softly looking at the other's happy face. This boy is getting happy just because of knowing that Jungkook has bad intentions for approaching him.

If it was anyone else in his place they would have been disappointed knowing all the playfulness that the older has displayed was just the part of something else rather than pure affection or interest.

But here this idiot is grinning widely just because of knowing that Jungkook has ulterior motives for hanging out with him instead of interest.

How much can you loathe any attention on you?

Jimin sighed as questions started gushing into his mind.

He still couldn't understand why Tae is still so adamant about shutting all the chances for another relationship. He was being chased after by half of the school and was confessed multiple times even though everything except that particular one in the auditorium were vague.

No Jimin is not expecting Tae to accept whoever confesses to him. He just wants the boy to keep his mind open, so that he could at least find someone whom he is able to get together with, someone with genuine feelings for him.

But no, the younger one has already decided that he is not going to get into a relationship anytime soon. Jimin knows that Tae is already over the boy who has broken his heart. And he knew that the younger one is not even waiting for a second chance with the other.

But why is Tae still stuck there? And how could he not hate the other still?

Jimin scoffed Internally as he pondered over the thought. But isn't he the same? Still stuck in his past, reminiscing his fond memories which he shared with his hyung?

But maybe it's the fact that Yoongi never did hurt him just like Jae, which made him hold on to his love even after knowing that he has no chance with the love of his life. But didn't Yoongi hurt him? Even though unintentionally?

Or is it because Jimin was still cherishing those delusions that all the time he thought that Yoongi too felt the same was not just his imagination?

He huffed indignantly, feeling bitter even thinking about something like this. He is still hoping against all odds for something that he could never get while the other person has already moved on and is making new memories with someone else and must have surely forgotten all he had with a certain childhood best friend of his.

Jimin glanced at the red haired who was staring at the screen and surely not watching it.

Is Tae also doing the same? Is he still not over the possibility that maybe Jae was lying about it when he blurted out all those things to Joshua?

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