Sirzechs: ''Fool... For our species to continue living, war is just pointless baggage''

Creuserey: ''A bastard who deals not only with fallen, but with angels as well has no right to speak as a devil!''

Azazel: ''Aren't you guys in cahoots with the Khaos Brigade? Double standard much?'

Azazel casually insulted the terrorist, but the time for exchanging views was long over. All that remained in the moment was the slowly growing pressure of the devil king bearing down on his enemy...

 All that remained in the moment was the slowly growing pressure of the devil king bearing down on his enemy

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Sirzechs: ''... As the great king, I will eliminate anyone threatening the order I established in the underworld...''

In the palm of his hand, a small orb of black red energy appeared... That orb expanded until it completely trapped Creuserey in its confines. The searing crimson energy attacked his body, turning each of his limbs into dust before he could even realize what was happening...

Creuserey: ''N-No! Impossible! How can the real thing lose to a fake!?''

His screams of anguish were drowned out by the sound of the battle going on in the background, and his voice was permanently silenced when the energy trapping him finally dissolved his entire body nothing but dust...

Azazel: ''Brutal! You know we could have interrogated him, right?''

Sirzechs: ''Does it matter? Creuserey was a coward, I doubt they would have given him any useful information. And while at it, I also destroyed the snake moving inside him as well''

Azazel: ''Geez... You do know we had a plan, don't you?''

Sirzechs: ''I do... And it's your fault that Rias is currently in the middle of all of this. And remember, it's your head on the line if anything happens to her... Are we clear?''

Azazel: ''Crystal...''

Although Azazel didn't look too bothered by his threat, the fact of the matter was that if his plan failed, he would have to pay for their losses with his own life. The fallen leader was walking a very thin line, but he still held trust in the youngsters fighting down below, most of all... He trusted in Y/N to get his friends out unharmed.

The two had to unfortunately end their conversation, as the orb in the middle of Azazel's golden dagger started glowing erratically, and both he and Sirzech's felt the presence of someone very familiar... Someone they both hoped they wouldn't encounter today...

Azazel: ''I didn't think you of all people would come here today...''

Standing above them was a small girl, one whose stature made it clear she was barely a child. But her presence was not one belonging to one as young looking as her. Even in the face of two ancient leaders like the two before her, she still stood on a pedestal even higher than them...

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