"Bree unleashed what was in Pandora's box: her untapped powers. She threw Crowley and Zero out the house. She was going to destroy the house and take you. Cas urged her not to—he said he knew somehow she wouldn't hurt him, they would only hurt you." She said.

"Cas revived me before leaving with her. I begged him not to leave me with you because I wasn't strong enough to help you, my powers are nearly zapped. He gave me some of his powers. He had to because it was best for me to heal you so you can wake up. He said he had to because he knew you'd find them." She finished.

"Where are they?" He inquired of her. He was trying to ignore the pain around his body. He was so sore. He was going to hate himself tomorrow if there was a tomorrow to wake up to. Cherish knew he was in pain but there was nothing she could do. Her powers are nearly gone. She can only use it for a one way trip until she rested.

"Bree's hometown." Cherish answered him. "Take me there." He commanded. Cherish grimaced at this, she didn't want him in pain to go off on a mission to help the others. "I will, but there's something you need to know..." She replied softly.

"What is it?" He needled. "God, the pain is killing me..." He thought to himself. He hated himself for this. Struggling to stand up was no easy feat. All of a sudden, he felt the need to retch. Turning away from Cherish, he threw up. A small hand was on his back patting him, helping him.

"Well, here..." She softly said, brandishing a knife from her clothes. The knife has a glossy feel to it despite looking ancient. It was carved with hieroglyphs that were unknown to him. She gave it to him. Dean looked down at it, confused.

"This is one of the ancient weapons... This can seal any powerful being—human or otherwise—powers. The only thing is that you have to make sure not to stab any organs or otherwise you'd kill her." She said to him.

"How?" Dean searched her eyes while asking this question. He can't believe that Cas and Sam managed to locate this. He hasn't even heard of this weapon at all. When did they manage to do this?

"Cas deciphered its location, he gave it to me before he left as use of protection from demons since my arrows are gone. He said you would need to use it." She let him know.

He took it from her, putting it in his back pocket. "Thank you. I appreciate the help you've given us." He told her. Cherish's brown eyes swam with gratitude. "Come," She said, warmly. She held out a hand for him. He took it without thinking. Her hand was warm. He held on for dear life.


Five seconds passed and now they were where they were needed. Dean and Cherish. Dean let go of her hand and turned to face her to ask where did she last see Cas and Bree but she had no reply for him. Her powers had gone. She was now stumbling to the ground. The sweltering sun was on them. "Cherish?" He called out.

"H-Hold—Hold on, I need a nap... Five minutes, please, I promise." She answered him, laying her head on a large piece of rock in the ground. He nearly stumbled as well. He sighed as he steadied himself. He can't leave her in this heat, it's not a good idea. Although he can't be too sure if Cupids overheat.

He strained himself to pick her up, carrying her to a nearby gazebo. If he was right, they were in a park. Well, it looked to be like one. He placed Cherish on a seat in the Gazebo. "Thank you for helping us." He said to her, knowing she wouldn't hear him. Despite him knowing she couldn't, she made a small smile as if she did hear him.

He needed to be out of there quickly to help Cas and Bree, he didn't care if she had her powers unleashed or not. Something in his gut told him she didn't betray him and the others despite Cherish telling him so. Her throwing out Zero and Crowley? Badass.

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