Chapter 24:- Hide & Seek

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Two weeks passed. Everything was becoming better a bit. To start a new life with Joon I never wanted to but he explained why that day he lied to me that, he got back to his ex-wife.

His wife found out his relationship with me.

She threatened him.

She said she would harm me and my daughter if he doesn't break up with me.

Then Taehung, Jimin & Joon planned. They decided that Joon faked a fight and break up with me and showed the video of it to her.

Don't think Joon an IDIOT.

He dealed with Lily that if he leave me then she have to tell all the secrets of her, which Joon knew already. Otherwise he will ruin her modeling carrier.

And she accepted all those things.

I am a little upset because I can't forgive and forget about what Jackson did months ago.


Today is Sunday. Holiday.

Mi Lee was home with me. We had nothing to do this evening at all.

I called Joon to come to my dorm. To spend some time with her.

I was busy preparing dinner. Suddenly a the door bell ringed.

MI Lee started jumping on the couch and started shouting, taking Joon's name.

I yelled at her, said not to shout like this. And walked to the door.

Joon hugged me as soon as he saw me. I hugged him back.

Mi Lee ran to him with her biggest and brightest smile on her face.

He picked her up with his muscular arms and kissed her soft marshmallow cheeks.

She kissed his dimpled cheeks too.

I was standing. Watching them a full father and daughter's chemistry.

I took my phone and clicked their pictures. They made various funny faces that made me laugh a lot.

Joon stretched his right hand and gestured me to come to his embrace. His warm and comfortable hug always makes my heart flutter.

I put my head on his chest and hugging him over Mi Lee.

"I missed youuuuuuuu"
Me and Mi Lee couroused that made him chuckle.

"I missed you to my babies."
He said and kissed on my head.

He put Mi Lee down and we went to the couch and sat together.

"Joon you want coffee?"

"yeah expresso."

I went to the kitchen and took some coffee beans ,putting them in the coffee machine.

I was standing and watching Joon. He was cuddling with Mi Lee. She was watching her favorite Disney princess and Joon also companiny her like a real father.

She never got the father love from Jackson but Joon who loves her like his own daughter. I imagined those things with Jackson but Joon is full filling my wishes now.

I took two cups of coffee. And gave one to Joon.

Suddenly Mi Lee cried, she was watching TV but now she wants to play.

Every time Hobi use to play with her but today he is not here.

She started rubbing her eyes. She was pretending to cry.

Then Joon declared he will play with her. She again jumped on the couch and clapped her hands. A bright smile appeared on her cute little face.

"The one will win will hide! "
Joon stretched out his hand, ready to play ROCK PAPER & SICCORS.

Mi Lee did the same.

First two rounds, they both showed the paper then Joon won .

Mi Lee turned and put her hands over her eyes. She counted up-to ten. "are you ready? I'm coming."

Joon hid behind the book shelf.
I was sitting on the couch. They made me the REFARY.

She was wondering where is Joon. She put her index finger on her chin, pretending to think. Blink her eyes and then ran all over the lounge area. But she can't find him.

After few minutes she got tired and sat on the floor. I laughed and signaled her pointing that Joon was behind the book shelf.

She smiled sheepishly and slowly walked towards book shelf.
She shouted "I found you. it's my turn to hide."

Namjoon came out and stood front of her and closed his eyes ready to count up to 10.

Mi Lee ran and hid under the dining table.

After few tries Joon intentionally surrendered and made her won the round.

I said "play in a cyclic order. Joon now you hide now."

Mi Lee started counting and he hid behind the curtains.

Mi Lee this time searched everywhere but she missed the balcony where Joon actually was hiding.

She came to me and cried "mommy where is Daddy?? I can't find him....."

For a moment I was like what she just said. Is she called Joon Daddy..?

I smiled. And said her to try again.

She was still standing not doing anything.

Now she shouted "Daddy where are you....?? I can't find you.... Pleaseeeeeeee come out.... Mmmmm!! "

With in a bit Joon removed the curtains and Came out from the balcony.

He ran towards her knelt down and hugged her.

Tears started to escaping his eyes. For the first time Mi Lee called her dad except of Joonie.

He felt loved.
A love for a daughter to Father.

This feeling is indescribable feeling. Namjoon was so much happy that day like Mi Lee brought heaven to his feet.



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