Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Blink. Instant recognition. Blink.
I nodded twice without looking. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

  "I called you severally and you didn't move. You sure you're okay?"Jordan probed.

"Yeah man."

I imagined him nodding but giving me an unconvinced glance. "Let's head back to the hostel and take a shower, yeah?"

   "Yeah, I mean take the lead, I'll be there shortly."I chirped.

I felt a familiar moisty slip in between my thighs, making me thousand times more uncomfortable.

   "Nah, you're not okay. Something's bothering you."Jordan stated as he peered at my profile.

"Let's head back and have a shower, eat something and maybe you might wanna talk about it."

  "No! I'm okay!–"

  "Well, I didn't propose that as a question."he half glared at me, standing up before sticking his hand out to me.


"Stand up, or I'll do it for you."

Now my heart was beating faster as I looked from his outstretched hands to his dead serious expression.

I opened to protest again when he arched sharp brow.

Nervously, I glanced around and noticed the number was thinning out as people left the field to do whatever business.

I sighed defeatedly, grabbing his hand and he instinctively pulled me up.

   "Lead the way."I said straightly and he looked like he'd object so I quickly added,"please. I want to walk behind you."

I don't know if it was the desperation in my voice or how nervous I looked that made Jordan look at me quietly and nod before taking steps ahead. I quickly checked my butt for any blood stains and glory be to nature, the stain was quite hideous making me exhale in relief.

I tugged the edges of my shirt down and started moving my legs, moaning involuntarily when another cramp hit.

Jordan turned to look me over his shoulder, worry etching through his fine features.

I strained a rectangular smile. "Fine."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

We made towards the exit with he glancing over me from time to time.

Today of all days it had to come. Argh!

I sighed heavily again. The bathhouse would obviously be packed by now so I couldn't even add it to my options.

Our room was definitely out of it too. Which left me with only one option.

The washroom at the school site.

I just had to get back to the room to retrieve my sanitaries then walk back to the washroom to do my biz.

    "Yo bro." Jude's voice brought me out of my plans."Where to?"

  "Heading back to the dorm."Jordan replied, patting his brother's shoulder in the brief hug.  "E você?"

Jude shrugged."Nenhum lugar em particular. Hey Sammy what's up?"

  "Nothing much." Just cramps.

They fell into their hot accent language again before Jordan raised his brows.
"Gotta go. Sam's kinda not well so–"

  "Ooh don't worry don't worry,"I butted in quickly,"you have all the time okay? Feel free and be catching up. I'm fine, for real."

I grinned rectangularly, turning on my heels.

I saw them exchange glances from the corner of my eye.

After a few steps,"Sam! Wait up I'm coming."

  "Oh naw."I whispered.

     Chris and Samuel were sitting and chatting on their respective beds when we entered,

      "Hey name pal!"he waved at me and I returned it nervously as my eyes darted around.

How was I gonna grab my"something"with all of them here? God.

  "You guys showered already?"Jordan asked as he took off his shirt.

I instinctively didn't look his way, making it robotically to my locker.

  "Yeah yeah."Chris replied."Aren't you guys hungry??"

   "We are."Samuel and Jordan chorused at once.

   "I could kill for crocodile meat right now with all the hectic activities we did."Samuel.

   "Let's go grab a bite huh?"

   "Lemme make a quick dash to the bathroom and then we can go."Jordan said as he started towards his locker.

I hurriedly chucked out my short sleeved overall and put it on, rummaging through for my sponge bag.

  "Aren't you gonna shower?"Jordan looked at me and the overall questionly.

  "Uh I will, just need to meet up with someone at the school site."I said and patted my back for the fast thinking.

   "Would you come with us?"

"You mean for brunch? Yeah, sure, I'll be back shortly."

Jordan nodded and slung his towel around his neck. "Guys, Breakfast Club it is, right?"

   "Sure sure. You guys hurry, I'm starving."

   "Name pal aren't you gonna take a shower? Upon all the sweating..."

    "He said he's gonna meet up with someone at the school site first."Jordan answered for me.

As they continued to interact back and forth, I use the distraction to start bringing out the feminine items secretly.

I opened the forbidden polythene bag(due to the nature of it's contents) and slowly but surely, grabbed a pack of Always Infinity Pads and shoved it inside my sponge bag.

Then I craned backwards to check if anyone saw anything.

It so came that Jordan and I met eyes. I jumped out of my skin seven times in a row when he flitted from me to the sponge bag and back at me. He rubbed his stubble casually, breaking eye contact.


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