Chapter Twelve:

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Carter's POV:

As I grabbed my things ready to leave, I gave strict orders for Lena to stay in the room until I'm back.

Cole and Morgan were the only ones I could trust, enough to follow my commands without questioning me.

They both have worked for me since day one, I guess you could say Cole is my 'close friend.' although I don't like to put labels on anything.

Morgan was Cole's girlfriend at one point, but it seems to have died out pretty quick.

Most of the gang have fucked about and honestly it didn't bother me, as long as the jobs got done I didn't care.

It was when they brought strange girls off the street into my club, once they got wrapped up in the gang it was to hard to get back out again.

I pulled into the parking lot of my company building, as I stepped out of the car I was greeted by my assistant.

"Mr. Knight we have an issue, there is a woman here. She is claiming you took her boyfriend, she is also refusing to leave. Should I call security?" She said worriedly.

"That's okay Mimi, I can handle it. Thank you for telling me." I said back with a smile, as we approached the double doors leading into the building.

Keeping up appearances like this was important, although I run a ruthless gang dealing weapons and drugs I needed a cover.

So my company became my safe heaven, it supports all legal business hiding the fact I run illegal ones as well.

We both walked hastily towards my office, where the woman was screaming at the staff.

"Where the hell is Adam!!! My neighbors saw him take Adam from my house!!" She yelled furiously, as she pointed her finger angrily at me.

"Okay that's enough, if you want to talk then let's enter my office shall we?!" I snapped back sternly, my staff instantly went back to work as soon as they seen me handling the problem.

I turned to Mimi and asked if she could push my meeting half an hour, before ushering the woman into my office.

I closed the door not wanting my staff to hear our conversation, nobody but my gang knew about Lena.

If my enemy's found out I helped a random girl, they would take it as weakness and most likely retaliate.

"Who the fuck are you? You don't even look old enough to own this building let alone a whole company! Where the hell is Adam?!" She ranted, as she paced back and fourth my office.

"For starters Ms. Taylor, don't you think you should be asking where your daughter is? Not where your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend is." I said back, hearing her plead for him instead of her made my blood boil.

She stared at me stunned, sometimes I forget how intimidating I can be.

"Look, your daughter has been abused by that man for far to long. And judging by the look of your face, you already knew this. What sort of mother would leave their daughter to fend for themselves like that, not only is she so lucky to be alive right now... But she's lucky to be away from you both finally." I raged out as she just watched me, she finally spoke back when she realised I still hadn't told her where her little boyfriend was.

"Enough games weirdo, where the fuck is he?!" She snapped, she began approaching me with her hand reaching into her pocket.

"Before you attempt to hurt me with whatever you have in your pocket, just know i have a much bigger gun that will take you out in seconds without anybody hearing or seeing. I may look like a child, but I can assure you I am more man than any boy you have ever seen." I said calmly, staring deep into her eyes as I spoke.

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