Chapter Fifteen:

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"Spread your fucking legs angel, or I'll have to do it for you." He said through gritted teeth.

With his words still ringing in my ears, I slowly started to open my legs. Although that wasn't fast enough for him, he placed his hands on my legs pushing them apart harshly.

I gasped out in shock, as he did and he just looked up and smirked at me.

"Now, I'm going to put this in you. It's a Bluetooth vibrator, if you choose to act out tonight... This remote will teach you how to behave understand?" He says with pure lust lacing his voice, as he waved the remote around in the air.

"No! I don't fucking understand, I never asked for any of this!" I snapped at him, I tried to get up but he pushed me back down.

I was now laying flat on the bed with Carter on top of me, pinning my hands above my head.

"You decided to show your ass to everyone downstairs, you decided to turn your phone off and ignore me and then mouth off. What makes you think I'm gonna let you get away with that huh?" He says with his face inches from mine.

I was memorised by thought as I watched his lips move, all I could hear was a vibration as he spoke.

'His lips look so fucking soft!' was all I could think to myself, while he continued to lecture me on my behaviour.

"Lena are you even fucking listening?!" He spat, but I was still to deep in thought to hear him.

I could feel something cold touch my leg but didn't think anything of it, till suddenly I felt him pushing something inside me.

I let a little moan escape my lips before gasping in shock, I tried to push him away but he had the strength of a god compared to my tiny frame.

"What the hell Carter?! Why are you doing this?" I questioned harshly, as I tried to reach down to pull it out.

Carter grabbed my hands before I could, holding them firmly in place above my head again.

"If you had listened to me, you would have had warning angel. Now sit still and focus on me!" He demanded.

I could feel the rage building inside me as I twitched back an forth uncomfortably, he just kept smirking clearly enjoying the view.

"You want to keep fidgeting do you? I'll give you something to fidget over." He said in a low husky tone, sending a shiver through my core.

Suddenly he switched to holding my hands in place with one hand, while he reached for the remote laying on the bed next to us with the other.

"Carter don't you fucking dare!" I pleaded quickly, watching his eyes turn black with desire as he watched me beg.

*Bzzzz* *Bzzzz*

A moan graced my lips as he played with the button, pressing it softly teasing me over and over.

"Carter... p...please... Ssstop!" I stuttered out between the vibrations ringing through my body, I could feel another moan about to surface but then it all stopped.

All I could say in response was,

"What the fuck!" Harshly as I desperately tried to free myself from his grip, I was beyond pissed at this point.

The anger took over as I watched him laugh at my pathetic attempt to escape, before I could think I spat in his face.

His eyes instantly darkened and his smile faded as he dropped the remote, his jaw clenched tightly as if he was stopping himself from retaliating.

'Oh for fuck sake Lena, now you've really gone and done it haven't you!'

"Ahh fuck I'm sorry... I didn't mean it, it just happened I swear!" I begged for him not to hurt me, I could feel the tears gathering in my eyes as the words fell from my lips.

Claimed By The Devil Himself.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora