Chapter One:

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"Please Adam, let go of me. you are hurting me!" My arm began to burn from his tight grip, wrapped around my wrist. "Ouch! Please stop!" Tears were streaming down my bright red swollen cheeks, as I tried to free myself from his grasp.

"Stop whining you little bitch! I wouldn't have to hurt you, if you just listened to me for once. Now clean this mess up before your mother sees, or you will find out what true pain feels like!" His eyes turned jet black, as the words spat out of his mouth.

I fell to the ground as he let go of me, clutching softly trying to soothe the burning pain now searing through my arm. The tears kept falling like a heavy pour of rain before a storm, as I pushed myself from the tiled floor. Wiping away the tears and composing myself, I began mopping the spilt water when my ring-tone caught my attention. 'What now!'

Reaching for my phone I cleared my throat, in hopes of sounding 'happy' rather than broken. "Hey Sadie, what's up?" I said trying to hold back the tears.

"Hey girl!" She exclaimed excitedly, "I have big news! Josh finally asked me on a date, but now I'm in full blown panic mode. Pleeease, come help me pick something to wear!" She pleaded in her irresistibly cute baby voice.

"Fine, but you know I hate it when you use that voice!! It's so hard to say no to you when you do." I stated firmly, or tired to at least. "Let me get ready then I will make my way over, shall I bring the wine?" I whispered into the phone not wanting Adam to hear me, although I'm old enough to drink he didn't like the idea of me getting wasted. 'Most likely because he want's a sweet innocent girl for his sick little fantasy!' Pushing the thought out of my mind, I focused back on the phone call.

"Okay 'speedy', see you soon! And no wine I have tequila already" she said menacingly, knowing how much I hated that nickname. Before I could yell at her I was met with a *BEEP* *BEEP*, as the phone call ended. 'ughhh sometimes I swear I could murder her...'

As I finished cleaning the last of the spill I headed upstairs to get ready, rushing into my room and locking the door behind me. I exhaled a breath I didn't realise I was holding in, pushing myself away from the door I started to get dressed. Slipping on my black denim ripped jeans and blue tie-dyed baggy t-shirt, I brushed my hair and pulled it up into a high bun. After putting a little light make-up on I headed downstairs, on my way to the front door I could feel Adams eye's stalking me. I bent down to grab my shoes and I heard a groan escape his troat, it sent horrible shivers through my spine. I slipped my shoes on quickly and rushed out of the door, not wanting to find out what exactly that groan meant.

I ran as fast as I could down the street and into the alley way, frantically checking behind me to see if he had followed me out of the house. When suddenly I crashed into what felt like a brick wall, "Fuck, ouch!" 'Jesus Christ! Why am I so clumsy?!' A low husky voice snapped me out of my thought's, that's when I realised 'that was no brick wall'.

"Hey, you should watch were your going!" His tone was so blunt and harsh, it caused the anxiety in me to surface. My mind began to race with so many thought's, I forgot he even said anything. "Hello, I'm talking to you!"

"I..I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I'm sorry.. I have to go." I say rapidly, before picking myself up off the ground and running out of the alley way. 'keep running, keep running, KEEP RUNNING!'


*Knock* *Knock*

The door swung open and I was greeted with Sadie's enthusiastic smile, she grabbed my arm and yanked me into her large and extravagant home. Me and Sadie are polar opposites, she grew up in a rich environment. Where as I grew up in what some people call the slums, she has never known what it's like to not have money but that has never changed her personality.

Claimed By The Devil Himself.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن