Chapter Ten:

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I placed her softly in the back of the car, applying pressure to the gaping wound on her stomach. I tore a piece of my shirt off to wrap around her, hoping to slow the bleeding until I could get her to the warehouse.

"I'm sorry baby, this is gonna hurt." I said trying to warn her, but she was so out of it she couldn't hear me.

I tightened the torn fabric around her waist, causing her to groan in pain.

"That's it angel, wake up for me come on." I pleaded loudly trying to keep her awake, I kept thinking to myself it's all my fault.

'If I had just stayed, walked her to the door or even just watched her enter the house. Maybe I could have stopped it.'

"FUCK!" I screamed out as her eyes started to roll to the back of her head, I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before diving for the driver's seat.

I drove faster than I ever had down the road to the warehouse, it was dead quiet as we pulled up in the parking lot.

I bought this warehouse specifically for the discreet location, having somewhere like this provides cover for me and my gang members. Especially when we need to recover, or hide out till the heat dies down.

I jumped out the car and saw headlights slowly heading down the road behind us,
I grabbed my gun and cocked it ready to shoot who ever was following us.

"Wow boss, it's me!" Cole called out in a panic, as he realised my gun was drawn on him.

"Quick man, help me get her out the car!" I asked in a complete state of panic, as I opened the car door. We pulled her lifeless body out of the car, and dragged her upstairs to the recovery suite.

The recovery suite had a large comfy bed, a flat screen TV and a bunch of medical equipment. We have a private doctor we call on, his name's Eddie and he's worked for us since I took over the gang.

I found him sitting alone at the bar, he was drinking his sorrows away because he'd lost his medical license. The board took it away after they found out he was stealing medication, but the plot twist was he was giving them to local clinics that barley scraped by.

I decided to give him a job with us, he was hesitant at first not really liking our kind of work, but I guess when you have no other option it's worth the risk.

"Call Ed, NOW!" I demanded to Cole as we gently placed her onto the bed, I started to clean up the minor wounds along her arms and legs while Cole left to ring the doctor.

Seeing her in torn and blood soaked clothes, made my heart pound faster and faster in my chest. I started to clean all the blood from her face, when suddenly her body started to violently shake in my arms.

Cole came rushing vigorously back into the room followed by Ed and Alex, they all stopped in there tracks as they seen Lena just laying there.

"The next one of you that looks at her body I will shoot you in the fucking head, Ed get on with it! She's lost a lot of blood." I snapped out, as I watched them scan her partially naked body.

Seeing other people admire her body drove me crazy.

'she's mine, I've fucking claimed her!' I thought to myself.

My jaw had tensed at my own thoughts I've never wanted a girl before, but this girl she was fucking everything I've ever dreamed of and more.

Ed asked if he could cut the rest of the trousers on her legs off, they were hardly attached to her anymore.

The front of her trousers had been torn to shreds, her top had been ripped open completely and her hair was lathered in blood and tears.

I nodded for Ed to proceed, as I forced Alex and Cole out of the room and down the hall.

Claimed By The Devil Himself.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora