Wedding Dificulties (Part 2)

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     When Ryder and Kai arrived in the wolves kingdom, all the wolves treated the dragons and other species the way they wanna be treated. Kai and Ryder took a detour and toured the kingdom before headed towards the castle. When they arrived to the castle, Trevor wasn't there to greet them as promised.
    The castle was surrounded by a moat now and the bridge was guarded by the guards. Ryder looked up at the guards in the watch tower.
"Excuse me!" Ryder yelled loud enough for the guard to hear. The guard looked down at him and studied him.
"Prince Ryder?" The guard called out.
"Yes! Can you lower the bridge please?" Ryder yelled. Kai let Ryder do the talking. The guard put down the spear he was holding and headed down the tower. He walked up to them and bowed.
"Are you here to see your brother?" The guard asked. Ryder nodded his head. The guard looked at Ryder nervously.
"For the wedding?-" The guard asked unsurely. Ryder crossed his arms and glared at the guard.
   The guard took Ryder's glare as a note and lifted his head.
"My prince, there might not be a wedding. Your brother and his fiancée are not on good terms at the moment. Sir Alpha and King Trevor are colliding in rivalry." The guard explained. Ryder and Kai's eyes widened and almost their mouths.
"Let us in." Ryder said strictly. The guard nodded his head and motioned the other guard to put the bridge down.
    The bridge lowers for Ryder and Kai. They both crossed and went into the castle. Right as they entered, they heard serious arguing, and pleading. Ryder looked up the stairs and rushed up with Kai. They entered the thrown room and saw Alpha full blown yelling at Trevor as Trevor was kneeling to Alpha and pleading.
    They both stopped when they caught a glance of the shocked Ryder and Kai.
   Trevor scrambled to his feet and wiped his eyes from tears.
"Brother! Kai!" Trevor said happily. Alpha put on a smile and walked up to Ryder and Kai.
"Welcome!" Alpha said, greeting them. Trevor walked up to them with a smile to greet them but it turned out that their yelling was the only thing that was gonna greet them.
"A-Alpha— Why were you fighting?" Ryder asked stumbling on his words. Alpha glared at Trevor and turned away.
"Happy to have you guys here!" Alpha said before rushing off. Trevor's eyes rose up and he started following Alpha.
"Alpha! Lo-" Trevor started to yell out.
"Shut the hell up Trevor!" Alpha screamed before slamming the corridor doors shut. Trevor felt tears fall down his face and his ears hit his face. Ryder looked at Kai.
"Remember where my room is at?" Ryder asked. Kai nodded his head slowly. Ryder smiled.
"Ok, go up to my room and wait for me." Ryder said as he kissed his cheek then turned to Trevor. Kai smiled then headed up a long flight of stairs. Ryder walked over to Trevor who was crying hard.
"Trevor, what's going on between you and Alpha?" Ryder asked, using his hands to raise Trevor's ears. Trevor looked at Ryder and trembled.
"R-R-Ryder— I don't wanna lose my Alpha-" Trevor said before breaking down and crying. Ryder quickly hugged Trevor and tried to calm him down.
"Trevor, what happened that caused this?" Ryder asked. Trevor shook his head no before rushing off to the dining room. Ryder sighed and started his way to his room.
    A few hours later, the servants of the castle told Ryder and Kai that dinner was ready and set in the dinning table. They headed down to settle in the dining room.
  When they got there, Trevor was sitting in his and Ryder's father's chair. He was doing paperwork and book work. There were stacks of papers along with books. Alpha was sitting at the other end of the table. When they entered the dinning room, Kai immediately noticed Lin Jane and Jay sitting at the table. Kai rushed over to them and hugged them tightly. Ryder sat in the middle seat which was set for him and Kai. Ryder turned directly to Trevor.
"Trevor, why in the world are you doing work during dinner." Ryder asked. Trevor looked up and faced Ryder.
"I just have so much." Trevor mumbled. Alpha was eating calmly but when he heard that, he slammed his hands on the table and stood up quickly.
"You know what! I think I'll starve myself!" Alpha screamed before rushing off. When Alpha slammed his hands on the table, it got the attention of everyone in the room. Especially Trevor's tears. Trevor started to cry and trembled. He let his head fall onto the table. Ryder stood up and looked at Kai.
"Kai talk to this teddy bear!" Ryder yelled them ran after Alpha. Kai looked over at Trevor and groaned. He walked over to him and pulled out a chair.
"Do you love Alpha?" Kai asked. Trevor lifted his head off the table slowly and stared at Kai.
"Y-yes." Trevor said. Kai set his arms on the table.
"Then tell me what happened between you two so I can help." Kai said strictly. Trevor sat up and gulped.
"It's my fault." Trevor said.

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