A New Mission (Part 11)

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Three Days Later;
Ryder was in bed sleeping when Lin came into his room. She walked up to the window and opened the curtains letting a large ray of light shine through the window and onto Ryder's bed. Ryder groaned and the light and sat up slowly, hiding himself in the sheets.
"Rise and shine sleepyhead." Lin said in a pissed voice. Ryder squinted at Lin and started to stand up.
"Today is the day. Your parents are going to the royal garden so you can escape through the window." Lin said. Ryder's ears flew directly up in excitement.
"And I have everything packed and ready to go for you. Money, clothes, a small blanket. Food and water. And a tiny flashlight for the dark." Lin said as she walked over to the door and picked up a travel bag. Ryder smiled and walked over to his closet to change.
"The fast you leave, the faster i'll be able to see my boys." Lin said. Ryder heard her and nodded his head right before he disappeared in his closet.
    He changed into a pair of jeans, a grey long sleeved shirt and a coat. It was the end of winter, the coldest time of the year. He looked at Lin Jane and smiled.
"You better be here when I come back." Ryder said. Lin Jane smiled and nodded her head before pulling him into a hug.
"When I come back, I will take us to Kai and Jay. I promise." Ryder said as he wrapped his arms around Lin Jane. Lin hugged him tightly then pushed him away.
"Get going, I left a horse tied up outside the castle grounds for you. Good luck." Lin said then walked out the bedroom door and into the kitchen. Ryder grabbed the backpack and went over to his window.
A few days before, Ryder had tied a rope outside his window so he'd be able to escape through his window; four stories high. Ryder pulled his backup onto the windowsill and pushed it out the window. If fell the four stories until crashing onto the ground. He flipped himself over the windowsill and grabbed the rope. Then he started down the castle.
He got down onto the ground and grabbed his backpack. He put it on his back and ran for the horse that was tied up outside the kingdom. Once he got there, he tied his backpack onto the house and started on his way.

Originally, Kai wanted to leave the day he found out the plan but then Shawna talked him into waiting a few more days.
Jay sat on the bed, staring at Kai who was telling him what he was gonna do. Kai stopped talking and looked at Jay.
"I'll be back ok Jay?" Kai said, questioning whether or not he was ok with the idea. Jay looked away from him and trembled.
"A-Are you gonna bring Ryder back?" Jay asked. Kai smiled.
"I am. I will do all in my power to bring him back." Kai replied. He walked over to Jay and sat next to him.
"So what should we do before I leave tonight?" Kai asked, putting his arm around Jay's shoulders and looking down at him. Jay smiled.

That night, Kai was getting ready to go. He had his bag that contained two pairs or clothes, dozens of arrows, and a small flashlight. He carried the bag outside along with is bow and a sword in his belt. He set them outside where Shawna and Jay were waiting. Shawna smiled and walked up to Kai.
"You bring our pup back and get rid of the king and queen." Shawna said strictly as she hugged Kai. Kai nodded and hugged Shawna.
"You take care of Jay." Kai said. Shawna nodded and let him go. Kai smiled and knelt down next to Jay.
"Hey Jay, you take care of yourself ok." Kai said, messing up Jay's hair. Jay nodded.
"As long as you are safe then I'll do that." Jay said. Kai smiled sadly.
"Of course Jay." Kai said. Jay trembled and jumped into Kai's arms.
"I-I love you Kai-" Jay said as he started crying. Kai hugged Jay back.
"I love you too Jay." Kai said. Jay smiled. Kai let go and stood back up. He put his arrow around his chest and put the backpack on his back. He waved and left towards the Dragon/Demon border.

       Ryder road on his horse for hours till dark. He was falling asleep on the horse, not tracking where he was going. Eventually, he ended up falling asleep.
   When he woke up, he sat up and freaked. He was off the trail he was on before. He stopped the horse and got off.
"Oh god, where am I!" Ryder yelled, grabbing his map. He looked around and felt his ears start to droop down. He grabbed his horse rains and pulled it with him. He walked through the woods for awhile as he dragged the horse until he found a cabin. He sighed in relief and walked towards the cabin. When he got to the door, he tied up his horse on a nearby tree and knocked on the door. He heard rustling sounds and a few whispers. He looked towards a window that was near the window where he saw a person. The person moved from the window quickly, revealing its species. It was a dragon. He heard the door lock. He took a deep breathe in.
"I'm not here to hurt you!" Ryder yelled loud enough for the dragons inside to hear him. Ryder saw two dragons look out the window. Two men. He nodded and grabbed his sword. He pulled it out and set it on the ground slowly. One of the men turned to the other and whispered. He put his hands up and stepped away from the door. He heard the door unlock and watched two male dragons walk out quickly. The door stayed open to reveal three female dragons and two little dragons in a corner. Ryder looked at the men.
One of the dragons picked up Ryder's sword and the other stared at Ryder.
"What do you want wolf." The man asked strictly. Ryder smiled.
"Uhm- I fell asleep on my horse accidentally and I woke up in the middle of nowhere. I was hoping you guys could help me?-" Ryder asked nervously. The man turned to the other with Ryder's sword.
"No. We don't trust wolves." The man said. Ryder gulped and looked away.
"Ok— Sorry for disturbing you then." Ryder said. The dragon grabbed Ryder's sword and pointed it at Ryder's neck.
"And we don't need some lost wolf revealing our location." The dragon said. Ryder's eyes widened and he felt his ears drop.
"No! I-I'm on your side! M-My boyfriend is a dragon even!" Ryder said quickly in a panic. The dragon pulled the sword away and looked at Ryder curiously.
"Your... your boyfriend is a dragon?" The man asked. Ryder nodded quickly as he trembled with fear. The man threw the sword down and held a hand out for Ryder. Ryder smiled and took the mans hand. He pulled, lifting himself off the ground.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge." The man said. Ryder nodded slowly.
"So you said you were on our side?" The other man asked. Ryder nodded his head.
"Uhm yes- uhm, I'm Ryder Dawn— the son of king and Queen Dawn of the wolves." Ryder said, bowing down a little. The two men backed away quickly. Ryder looked up at them.
"No no! Don't be frightened! I'm not gonna hurt you!" Ryder said putting his hands up. The men glared at Ryder. Ryder reached into his pocket and grabbed his map.
"Listen! I'm looking for my older brother. He is the heir to the throne and i have a plan to get rid of my parents. I don't want dragons endangered as much as you do!" Ryder said quickly. The dragon's eyes widened quickly and they smiled. Ryder looked back up at the men. The men walked over to Ryder. One of them held out their hand.
"Hello. I'm James Thee. I'm sorry I held the sword up to your neck." The man said. Ryder smiled and shook his hand.
"It's fine." Ryder said. The other man looked at Ryder nervously.
"I'm Lance Thee, and thank you." The man said.

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