Hunt (Part 6)

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In the morning, Kai woke up earlier then sat up and noticed that Jay was gone.
At the time, Kai was in pajamas that were red. He stood up slowly and creeped out of his room. That is when he heard Caroo and Jay screaming happily. He stopped and stared at Ryder who was in the living room playing with Jay and Caroo.
Shawna who was up earlier too, was cooking breakfast when she caught a glimpse of Kai. She looked up and saw Kai staring at Ryder.
"Good morning Kai Kai." Shawna said happily but strictly. Ryder looked up at Kai and smiled.
"Yeah- I think I haven't got enough sleep... I see Ryder in the living room-" Kai said sarcastically as he walked back into his and Jay's bedroom. Ryder and Shawna stared awkwardly at Kai's bedroom door.
Five minutes later, Shawna looked around for some meat outside but didn't find any. She came back inside and banged on Kai's door which got Ryder's attention.
"Kai! Go hunting! I need chicken." Shawna said loud enough to get Kai to hear it.
Ryder became excited and wagged his tail which soon came to an end when Caroo jumped and laid down on it.
Shawna nodded then walked back to the kitchen. Kai walked out all dressed and with his bow in his hand.
"I am still hallucinating Ryder." Kai said sleepily as he walked over to the door and grabbed a couple arrows from a box. Ryder stood up quickly and ran up to Kai quickly.
"You said you'd teach me to hunt!" Ryder said happily. Kai looked at Ryder and realized he wasn't fake. He stepped away and looked at Shawna.
"Do you trust him now?-" Kai asked, confused. Shawna nodded her head.
"Oh yeah, before you go, get some firewood and make a better fire. Oh! And get me some more vegetables then after your hunt, could you cut back the berry bushes?" Shawna asked all at one time. Ryder's jaw dropped at the sound off hard slaving work. He looked at Kai who was nodding. Kai went out the door and Ryder followed. Kai went straight to the garden first, picking vegetables and putting them on his tail which was now shaped at a bowl. Then he walked over to the firewood and grabbed and stack then walked back into the house. Ryder was shocked as he watched Kai do all of that by himself. He ran back inside but then went right back outside because Kai grabbed his tail and pulled him outside. Kai shut the door and looked at Ryder.
"What happened?" Kai asked as he grabbed an extra bow and arrow and another sword.
Ryder looked at Kai.
"Shawna came to find me last night and ended up getting hyperthermia so I helped her keep warm and then she ended up trusting me." Ryder explained. Kai nodded the walked towards the trees. He stopped and turned to Ryder.
"Ya gonna learn to hunt or not?" Kai said as he continued to walk into the trees. Ryder smiled and ran after him.
In the forest, Kai sat down next to a tree and waited. Ryder sat there staring at Kai.
"What are we doing?" Ryder asked. Kai pointed his finger over towards a small camp sight.
"Hunters." Kai said silently.
Ryder stared at the camp and saw a small cage full of chickens.
"Neither of us can be spotted by them so I thought this would be good practice for you." Kai said. Ryder looked at Kai curiously. Kai grabbed Ryder's sword and set it aside.
"Go get me two chickens without being seen." Kai said. Ryder stared at his sword.
"How is this practice?" Ryder asked. Kai looked at Ryder like an idiot.
"If you are ever hunting, you have to be as stealthy as you can so you don't scare away your prey. Go get me two chickens." Kai said strictly. Ryder sat there nervously then started. He walked around the house slowly to the sides where the tiny cage coop full of chickens were. He slowly opened the gate with then accidentally triggered a bell. He froze. Kai slapped his forehead and ran over to Ryder slowly and silently. Ryder stood there until he heard the sound of someone pulling out their sword. Ryder turned around and his eyes widened. A sword came flying at Ryder but he dodged it almost. The sword was able to cut his arm. He whimpered silently and didn't pay attention to the next blow if the hunters sword but before it could reach him, Kai stopped it with his sword. He pushed the hunters sword away and looked at Ryder. Ryder had put his hand on the cut to try and make it stop bleeding.
Kai looked back at the hunter.
"Sorry, I just need a chicken." Kai said shrugging his shoulders then he pointed at Ryder.
"You do know that this is your prince right?" Kai asked. The hunters eyes widened and he looked at Ryder. Kai used the hunters distraction and hit the hunters head with the back on the sword. The hunter passed out and fell on the ground. Kai turned to Ryder. Ryder looked away quickly. Kai shook his head and turned back to grab the chickens. He grabbed two of them and then left. Ryder followed him.
They stopped at about half way from the cabin to rest for a little. Kai was digging in their backpack and pulled out bandage wrap and wrapped it about Ryder's cut.
"Ryder, where'd you learn everything you know about hunting now?" Kai asked curiously. Ryder looked up at Kai.
"From the royal guard. I used to sneak away from my lessons to train with them." Ryder said. Kai looked at Ryder.
"They only know how to defend, not attack." Kai said as he finished wrapping Ryder's cut on his arm. Ryder nodded slowly.
"Oh! I'm moving my camp closer to your cabin." Ryder said happily. Kai stood back up and held a hand out for Ryder.
"Good, then you can help me with my chores." Kai said with a fake smirk. Ryder grabbed Kai's hand and lifted off the ground. He stared at Kai with regret. Kai grabbed the bags and started walking. Ryder followed Kai along with holding the chickens.
    Back at the cabin, Ryder played with Caroo and Jay outside while Kai and Shawna started to expand the garden. Shawna took a small break and watched Caroo, Jay, and Ryder play tag. Ryder was pretending to be slow so then Jay and Caroo could run.
"I haven't seen Jay or Caroo so happy..." Shawna said with a smile. Kai was knelt down in the new soil, trying to check if it was good or not. He looked up at Jay and smiled.
"At least they are happy." Kai said then got back to work. Shawna didn't stop smiling.
    They were all outside until it started snowing. Kai and Shawna stayed outside with Ryder watched the kids inside. Kai and Shawna were trying to make a wood covering to cover the garden so the snow wouldn't ruin the crops but unfortunately failed.
   Jay and Caroo were cuddling up on Ryder inside when Shawna and Kai got back inside and soaked. Shawna looked at the door and started back out. Kai stopped her.
"Shawna, there ain't nothing we can do!" Kai yelled. Ryder looked at Shawna and Kai. Shawna stared at Kai.
"THE SNOW WILL RUIN THE CROPS!" Shawna screamed angrily. Kai started wrapping his hair into a bun.
"They are already gone." Kai said calmly. Shawna closed her eyes and nodded. Kai looked at Shawna.
"Go change before you get sick." Kai said strictly. Shawna nodded slowly and stared at the ground as she walked to her and Caroo's room. Kai looked up as far as he could to see snow on the top of his hair.
    Ryder stared at Kai.
"Is the garden actually gone?" Ryder asked curiously. Kai looked at Ryder then nodded slowly. Ryder looked away and looked at the kids. They were both asleep. Kai walked slowly over to his bedroom to change.

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