A New (Part 9)

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    Ryder fell to the ground in pain. He looked as much as he could to see an arrow. It went straight through his body. He eyes widened and he looked up at the border where he saw Kai screaming and struggling to get out of Shawna's arms. She was holding him back because if not, Kai was gonna run back over to the dragon realm.
    Ryder started to crawl over towards the border but instead coughed out blood and passed out onto the ground. The guards started to surround him and one of them checked his pulse.
    Kai was crying his eyes out and was shaking. Shawna told the kids to look away but they didn't.
    "He has a pulse!" A guard yelled.
"Let's get him to the nearest doctor then get him to the kingdom quickly." Another guard yelled. One of the guards picked him up and threw him over their shoulder then walked off. Kai screamed Ryder's name dozens of times until he started coughing and fell to the ground. Shawna trembled and held in her tears but Kai let out more tears.
"T-They shot him.." Kai mumbled. Shawna nodded slowly and helped Kai back up.
"We need to go get him—" Kai said then started to walked towards the dragon border. Shawna grabbed him and shook her head no.
"Even if we could get back over to the dragon's realm, we'd still have to go through the wolves realm. That would be suicide." Shawna explained strictly. Kai turned towards Shawna.
"I don't wanna lose him Shawna..." Kai said slowly with his eyes in shock. Shawna started to break down in tears and hugged Kai tightly.
"I'm so sorry Kai! I'm so sorry!" Shawna screamed.

       Two Weeks Later....
   Ryder was tucked in comfortably in his bed. Ryder was comfortable. He could feel it in his sleep until he realized that he hadn't slept in a cozy bed in months. His eyes opened up quickly and he sat up quickly only to feel a jabbing pain in his stomach.
"Ow!-" Ryder gasped. Lin Jane was next to Ryder's bed with medicine. Her eyes widened and she looked at Ryder.
"Ryder, you need to lay down. You are still healing." Lin said. Ryder's eyes widened and he turned towards Lin Jane.
"L-Lin?!-" Ryder yelled nervously. Lin Jane nodded.
"Wait- I'm back in the kingdom?!" Ryder yelled as he started to get up. Lin Jane stopped him quickly.
"Ryder, no!" Lin Jane yelled. Ryder looked at Lin Jane and started crying.
"L-Lin.." Ryder said slowly. Lin Jane stood up and wiped the tears off his face. Ryder trembled and hugged Lin Jane quickly. Lin Jane was surprised and scared at the same time.
"Ryder.. you are in shock. You've been sleeping for two weeks." Lin Jane said. Ryder froze and pulled away.
"D-did the guards that found me- Did they bring back any dragons?!-" Ryder asked quickly. Lin Jane looked at Ryder weirdly.
"No?" Lin said confusedly. Ryder sighed in relief.
"Thank god..." Ryder said under his breathe. Lin continued to look at Ryder weirdly.
"Ryder- What happened to you out there?" Lin asked curiously. Ryder looked up at Lin and smiled.
"I met a dragon that I think I fell inlove with." Ryder said happily. Lin smiled slowly.
"That's great Ryder." Lin said nicely. Ryder looked down at the bed.
"It's a boy though-" Ryder said. Lin looked up at Ryder and touched his cheek.
"That's great Ryder. And it's good that you found someone you love." Lin said with a smile. Ryder looked at Lin.
"Yeah but I'll probably never see him again..." Ryder said slowly. Lin looked at Ryder.
"I helped him and his family get over the Demon/Dragon border. He's free now." Ryder said with a happy smile but with a sad voice. Lin frowned and pet Ryder's ears.
"Don't worry Ryder. If he loves you then he'd come back to you." Lin said as she stood back up.
"How about we go get you some food?" Lin asked mischievously. Ryder smiled and nodded. Lin helped Ryder stand up and walked him to the kitchen.

     Kai was sitting at the borderline staring at the guards that were placed there. He imagined himself ripping the guts out of all the guards and shoving it in their faces. He stopped when he heard Jay yelling for him. He stood up off the ground and walked over to their new house in a large village near the border. It was a mix of humans, dragons, demons, and angels that lived in that village. Jay was playing with some new friends he made along with Caroo. When Kai came back up, he looked at Jay.
"What's up Jay?" Kai asked. Jay smiled and grabbed a piece of paper that a lot of others had. Jay handed it to him. Kai looked at it. It was a newspaper that the demon kings children made for all the residents in the demon realm. It was so they could hear about news that was from all the realms. Jay pointed out something on the paper. It said Wolf Realm News. Kai read the words and his eyes widened directly after.
    The words said;
"Prince Ryder Dawn, the second son and heir to the throne of King and Queen Dawn of the wolves has finally woken up and is getting treated quickly. Though it is unknown about where he was before, the prince had done something that the King and Queen will never forgive him for."
Kai looked at Jay and messed up his hair.
"Thanks Jay!" Kai said happily then he went into the cabin they were living in. Shawna was reading the paper too. She was at a small dining table. She turned towards Kai.
"Did you see this?!" Shawna asked happily. Kai nodded his head.
"Ryder is alive and well!" Shawna screamed happily. Kai smiled and walked up to what is now his, Jay's, and Caroo's room. Shawna sighed and looked out the window where Caroo was playing then she remembered something. She stood up quickly and ran up to Kai's room.

   Ryder was eating some cookies with Lin Jane.
"Wow, these are yummy. The only thing I've been eating was chicken and rabbit." Ryder said happily. Lin Jane smiled.
"Well, I knew a women who could make a killer rabbit stew." Lin said. Ryder looked at Ryder.
"Really? I do too!" Ryder said. Lin smiled happily.
"So what's your lover like?" Lin Jane asked. Ryder smiled as he started finishing his cookie.
"Oh my god, you'd love him! He so handsome and cute and when he's shy, he hides behind his tail." Ryder said laughing. Lin Jane was smiling until she heard that last part. She froze and stared at Ryder.
"T-That's unusual. Most dragons hide their tails first, not their faces-" Lin Jane said in a poor laughing tone. Ryder sighed happily.
"Y'know, I think you'd like him. He never trusted me at first but he came to trust me later on. So did his family." Ryder said grabbing another cookie. Lin Jane nodded slowly.
"He'd also take me and his little brother out to hunt. His brother was just so cute. The matter of fact, he has Jane in his name too!" Ryder said laughing happily. Lin's heart dropped and she stood up quickly.
"Ryder. What is your lovers name?" Lin Jane asked strictly. Ryder looked at Lin Jane quickly.
"U-Uhm- Kai Kai-" Ryder said slowly. Lin Jane covered her mouth and felt tears falling down her cheeks.
"K-Kai Kai and Jay Jane?!" Lin Jane screamed. Ryder's eyes opened quickly and he stood up.
"How'd do you know them?!" Ryder yelled curiously. Lin Jane fell to the floor and started crying.
"T-They are my sons!" Lin Jane screamed. Ryder's eyes opened so widely that his eyes could pop out of his head.
"A-and Shawna and Caroo?-" Ryder asked slowly.
"M-my neighbors..." Lin said slowly as she started breaking out in tears. Ryder froze in shock. Lin Jane smiled as she cried.
"D-Dud you take care of my boys for me?" Lin asked as she continued to cry. Ryder looked down at Lin Jane and shook his head no.
"No, they took care of me..." Ryder said slowly. Lin smiled and started to stand back up.
"At least they are safe..." Lin said with relief. Ryder looked up at Lin Jane.
"Was Kai always a quiet and hard working one?" Ryder asked curiously. Lin shook her head no and chuckled silently.
"When 'this' all started, Kai was 16. He was actually a very loud kid and he would always make up excuses to skip work. I guess he just adapted to all this." Lin said with a smile. Ryder's ears went down and he looked out the closest window.
"I want to go back to Kai..." Ryder mumbled. Lin looked at Ryder and frowned.
"You said they were in the Demon Realm. No wolves are aloud there anymore." Lin said. Ryder trembled and looked at Lin Jane.
"Is there a-" Ryder started to say then froze. His eyes gleamed and a smile beamed up on his face. Lin looked at him confused.
    Ryder's ears went back up and his tail started wagging.
"I HAVE AN IDEA!" Ryder said jumping up and down till he felt the pain from his wound. Lin Jane helped Ryder walk.
"What is it Ryder?" Lin Jane asked as she took him up to his bedroom.

   Shawna ran up to Kai who was at a miniature desk staring at a paper.
"KAI!" Shawna yelled happily. Kai looked at Shawna quickly.
"Yes?-" Kai asked as he turned his whole body to her.
"I have a crazy idea!" Shawna screamed. Kai looked at Shawna curiously.
"What is it?" Kai asked.

    With Ryder and Lin and Kai and Shawna:
"Get rid of King and Queen Dawn and get a new king to make a treaty with the other realms!" Shawna and Ryder screamed at the same time to Kai and Lin.

     Lin stared at Ryder like he was crazy.
"And how do you know that the demon realm will agree with a different wolf king or queen?" Lin Jane asked. Ryder sighed.
"Because I'll go find my brother. He was living in the demon realm with his boyfriend and his adopted son who is a demon. I don't know where he is now but I'm sure I can find him." Ryder said happily. Lin Jane smiled and touched Ryder's chin.
"Do that after you heal then." Lin Jane said. Ryder nodded.

    Kai froze at the idea and stared at Shawna confusingly.
"And how do you suppose we do that?" Kai asked. Shawna smirked.
"Well you did say you wanna go get Ryder who's in the wolves realm." Shawna said. Kai rise an eyebrow.
"I have a plan but it'll have to do with only you going through the dragon realm." Shawna said unsurely. Kai gulped at the words and continued to listen.

1849 Words - Kaylee B.

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