A Seperate Mission (Part 15)

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    Before Ryder left with Trevor and Alpha.

Ryder was packing his bag while Alpha and Trevor were giving Kai the wiggly baby and saying their goodbyes. Kai studied Arthur thoroughly. Alpha kissed Arthur's forehead and smiled. Trevor's finger was stuck in Arthur's closed hand. Kai squinted at Arthur and then in realization, he looked straight up at Trevor and Alpha with shocked eyes. Trevor and Alpha looked up at Kai.
"Arthur- He is the-" Kai started to say but he was interrupted when Trevor chuckled.
"He is King and Queen of the dragons son." Trevor said quietly. Kai's eyes widened to the limit.
"Before he was born, I was still part of the wolf kingdom. I grown to think of the dragons as my family over my own kind. They let me be who I wanted but wolves, you are set a destiny in the beginning days of your life." Trevor explained. Kai listened with piercing ears, curiously amused in question.
"When Arthur was born, they called me to take care of him while the King and Queen went away to the wolves kingdom. During the first year of the catastrophe, I was staying in the demon kingdom, hid away in the castle. Alpha was awaiting me back at our home in the cabin a few miles from here. When I finally found a safe way home, I took all my strength to run. And now, here we are." Trevor added, explaining the story. Kai was shocked.

     "Kai, could you do us a huge favor?" Alpha asked, holding Trevor's arm. Trevor stared at Kai for an answer.
"Yeah-" Kai said hesitantly.
Trevor smiled and kissed Arthur's forehead a last time then walked over to Ryder. Alpha smiled.
"I need you to take him to the king and Queen of demons." Alpha said. Kai stared at Alpha.
"I- Alpha I would love to but that'd kinda be impossible for me." Kai said. Alpha shook his head no.
"Just tell the guards that you know Arthur." Alpha said slowly as his ears started to fall to the side of his head. Kai looked at Alpha curiously then nodded his head slowly.
"Yes sir." Kai said, confirming the request as a yes. Alpha smiled as tears started to drop from his cheeks. He walked over to Trevor and hugged his chest to hide his tears. Kai looked down at Arthur who was now holding onto Kai's finger with all his might.


   Kai was packing Arthur's clothes and toys and dozens of blankets. He was putting them in backpacks so he could fly most of the way back to Shawna and Jay. His plan was to go back to check on them and leave Arthur with them while he went to go see the demon royals.
   When he finished packing the stuff, he walked outside with Arthur and his things and locked the cabin door. He put the two backpacks on his back and spread out his wings. He secured Arthur in his arms and stretched his wings out. One small gust lifted Kai right up. He flew around the waterfall and up the canyon. He flew into the dragons realm and kept flying till dark.
    When it got dark, he laid out several blankets on the ground so it'd be comfortable for Arthur. He laid another layer of several blankets on top of Arthur and tucked him in. Arthur was asleep already. Kai laid down on mostly dirt but a lot of branches too. He closed his eyes, only to dream of Ryder.

        Three Days Later:
  Lin Jane was cleaning around the royal kitchen. She was still pretty surprised that no one had noticed that Ryder was gone still. His parents just think that Ryder is eating himself away in his room. They were to mad to talk to him still.
   Lin Jane finished cleaning the kitchen and then walked back to the dragons corridor. She looked in her mailbox and grew a smile when she did. She grabbed the envelope that read "To King and Queen Dawn." She opened it quickly and read the paper that was inside it.

"Dear Lin Jane.
   I've found Kai and my brother. I'm headed back with Trevor and his boyfriend Alpha. Kai is gonna stay back to watch Trevor and Alpha's son. By the time you get this, we will probably be half way back to the kingdom. Do your best to persuade the guards.
    Sincerely Ryder Dawn."

Lin Jane closed her eyes and put the letter back into the envelope and sealed it. She started ripping it into shreds and threw it away. She fixed her hair and then walked over to the guards corridor. She knocked on the door with a laundry basket.
   A male wolf soldier opened the door and studied Lin. He then opened the door more widely to let Lin Jane in.
"Laundry day boys!" The wolf yelled. Lin Jane walked into the room of dozens and dozens of male wolf soldiers. The men started throwing their laundry on the ground for Lin Jane to pick up. One of the men sat down on their bed and stared at Lin.
"Hey Lin. What did you do before this all happened?" The soldier asked. The other men stopped to listen  or continued doing what they were doing quietly so they could hear her. Lin Jane knelt down and started picking up clothes off the ground.
"I was a house wife." Lin said.
"So you are used to doing all the chores here since you did it at your old house?" A different man asked curiously. Lin Jane nodded her head.
"I just remembered, Dragons can go see their loved ones if they are house cleaners in the kingdom. You can go see your husband right?" Another soldier asked. Lin Jane stopped what she was doing and stayed quiet. A male soldier stood up and walked over to her.
"She can't because he's dead." The soldier said. The wolf soldiers looked up at him.
"How would you know?" A different male soldier asked. That male soldier chuckled and used his foot to push Lin Jane over.
"Because I killed him. She was with her husband, brother-in-law, and another lady." The soldier said. Lin Jane's eyes widened and she looked up at the male soldier. Every other soldier in the room turned to the guy.
"You know we are forced to do this stuff. Why do you sound like it was a reward?" A male soldier asked, standing up to face the guy.
"This is the world now. Dragons can rot. Like hell that I'd care now." The soldier said. The male soldiers actually grew pissed.
"My girlfriend was a dragon for your information!"
"I was raised by a dragon!"
"What did dragons ever do to you?!"
"If dragons weren't here, our species would've been toast during the war against the humans and angels!"
The wolves started to yell out. Lin's eyes glistened and she stood up slowly. The soldier made a pissed face and shoved through the men and out the door. Lin Jane smiled.
"We are sorry about your husband, Lin Jane." A wolf soldier said. He walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. Lin Jane turned to the wolf.
"What would you guys say if I told you guys that I and prince Ryder have a plan to make our world normal again?" Lin Jane asked, turning towards all the other wolves. The wolves stared at Lin Jane with large smiles across their faces.
   Two days later:
      Ryder and Trevor ran through the woods, fast. Trevor stopped and looked back in the trees with frightened eyes. Ryder stopped and stared at Trevor.
"Trevor let's go!" Ryder yelled. Trevor trembled, refusing to turn back towards Ryder. Ryder walked up to Trevor and sighed.
"They stopped following us. Maybe they lost us." Ryder said. Trevor nodded slowly. Ryder's ears fell to his side and rubbed his arm nervously.
"I'm sorry, it's my fault." Ryder said nervously. Trevor shook his head no.
"It's not. You didn't know." Trevor said. Ryder trembled nervously.
"Let's get back to camp quickly." Trevor said. Ryder nodded and started walking. Trevor followed him.
    They walked up to a cabin that was in the middle of no where. They went through the door and were greeted by the owner... who just happened to be.... Ren Kai.
Trevor rushed past Ren, and straight to the nearby couch. Alpha, laid there. Practically lifeless.

1422 Words - Kaylee B.

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