The Same Moment (Part 8)

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     Hours later, it was late at night. Kai kept moving while everyone else tried to keep moving. Shawna struggled to keep her eyes open and looked up at Kai with whatever eyesight she had left.
"Kai— I know you are in a rush b-but can we rest till morning?" Shawna asked, trying to stay on her feet. Kai ignored her and kept moving. Shawna stopped walking and looked at Ryder. Ryder was staring at Kai then looked at Shawna. He walked over to Shawna and handed her Jay who was sleeping soundly. Shawna held Jay and Caroo while Ryder walked up to Kai.
"Kai! We are tired and I bet you are too!" Ryder yelled quietly to get Kai's attention. Kai ignored him. Ryder stopped for a quick second then ran back to Kai. He grabbed the back of Kai's coat and stopped him. Kai stopped but didn't look up from the map. Ryder went in front of Kai.
"Kai, we need to rest." Ryder said. Kai trembled and nodded slowly. Ryder smiled but that smile disappeared when he saw a little drop of water fall onto the map. He looked up from the map and looked at Kai.
"Kai, look at me." Ryder said. Kai shook his head no. Ryder sighed and used his hand to lift Kai's head up. Ryder looked at Kai. He was crying and looked really tired. Ryder grabbed the map and folded it small enough to fit in his pockets. Then he pulled Kai into a hug which Kai hugged back almost immediately.
   Ryder put a thumbs up for Shawna. Shawna smiled and started to set down everything. Ryder looked at Kai. Kai was practically asleep on Ryder's shoulder. Ryder helped him walk over to Shawna and the kids. He set him down, leaning on a tree. Shawna set Jay next to Kai then handed a blanket to Ryder. Shawna wrapped up in a blanket with Caroo in her hands and fell asleep. Ryder sat down next to Kai and put the blanket over him and Jay. Ryder set his head down on Kai's shoulder and fell asleep.

     In the morning, Kai woke up to a fire crackling. He sat up slowly only to realize that Ryder was sleeping next to him. His arm was over Kai's chest and his tail was over his legs. Shawna looked over to Kai and smiled.
"Well good morning sleepyhead~" Shawna said smoothly. Kai tried to sit up but was held down.
"We need to keep moving. Those soldiers probably already found out that we were living there." Kai said sternly. Shawna tilted her head and frowned.
"Well we can't till Ryder and Jay wake up." Shawna said sweetly.
"Then I'll wake them up." Kai said strictly and started to shake Ryder. He shook him then stopped seconds after. He stared at his face and felt blush fade onto his cheeks. He looked away quickly and trembled. Shawna smirked nicely and continued to boil some water.
"His face must look pretty cute if you are staring and blushing at it, hm?" Shawna said. Kai's eyes widened and he sat up quickly in shock. Ryder fell off and hit his head on the ground, waking up instantly.
"Ow!" Ryder yelled. Kai's eyes widened large and turned towards Ryder.
"I'm so sorry! Are you ok?!" Kai asked worriedly. Ryder nodded his head slowly and he sat up. Kai looked away, embarrassed from what he just did. Shawna snickered.
"Sorry Ryder. I said something that made Kai fluster." Shawna said, taking the blame. Ryder lifted an eyebrow in curiosity then looked at Kai.
"Kai can get flustered? What'd you say?" Ryder asked curiously, looking back towards Shawna. Shawna smirked at Kai then looked back up at Ryder. Kai's eyes widened and he cri walked over to Shawna quickly, putting his hand over her mouth so she could only mumble.
    Ryder crawled over to Kai and pulled him off her. He put his arms around his body so he couldn't move.
"So, what did he say?" Ryder asked. Kai struggled to get out of his arms.
"Oh, I told him that he must think you're cute because he kept staring at your face." Shawna said sweetly. Kai trembled and looked away from anything near him. Ryder stared at Shawna for a few seconds then slowly let go of Kai. Kai wrapped his arms around his legs and hid his face with his tail. Ryder sat and stared at Kai and smiled.
"Well you are cute as well Kai. You are like a scared puppy." Ryder said sweetly as he moved a little closer to Kai. Kai's eyes were widened and his whole face was practically red.
   Shawna smiled and looked at Ryder.
"Do you really think that about Kai?" Shawna asked curiously. Ryder smiled at Shawna.
"Of course! I mean, who could resist his cuteness? I certainly can't." Ryder said as he turned towards Kai and blushed a bit. Kai was now burning up from how red he was. He moved his tail quickly so he could get some fresh air. Ryder and Shawna looked at Kai and smiled at the same time. Kai put his tail back in front of his face shortly after. Ryder chuckled and got close enough to play with his hair. He picked out all the leaves and little twigs that got stuck in his hair. Kai trembled, trying not to overheat again. Shawna smiled as she turned back to the fire.
    Ryder finished pulling out all the tiny twigs and leaves out of Kai's long thick hair.
"Can I put a braid in your hair?" Ryder asked nicely. Kai closed his eyes, taking a deep breathe in and nodding slowly. Ryder smiled nicely and got started putting a braid in Kai's hair.
   Shawna looked over at them again curiously.
"Ryder, how old are you? I never really asked." Shawna asked curiously. Ryder looked up at Shawna.
"I'm 18." Ryder said nicely. Kai looked at Ryder in relief. Shawna smiled.
"So you and Kai are two years apart? That's why you guys get along so well!" Shawna said happily. Ryder looked at Kai.
"You are 20?" Ryder asked curiously.
"I'm turning 20." Kai mumbled in response.
"No wonder you are so mature!" Ryder said surprisingly. Kai looked down at the ground nervously.
     When Jay woke up, he had a small meal then they all started on again. Again, Kai walked in front, leading on. Ryder was holding Jay's hand so he wouldn't run off anywhere and Shawna was in the back carrying Caroo.
    A few long hours of walking later, they finally arrived at the border where there were some younger guards guarding the border. Kai studied them and nodded.
"Just like you said Ry, beginners." Kai said in a slow whisper voice. All five of them were hiding on the other side of a large boulder. Ryder nodded and took a peek at the young trainees.
"Ok are we ready for this?" Ryder asked looking back at the others. Shawna nodded her head yes but Kai didn't answer. He was just staring at Ryder's face. Ryder smiled.
"Kai~ I know my face is cute but don't skimp right now~" Ryder said teasingly. Kai continued to stare.
"To bad." Kai said nervously. Ryder's eyes widened and blush formed on his face.
"What?—" Ryder asked flustered. Shawna glared at them and groaned quietly.
"I'm gonna go over to the larger boulder over there with the kids." Shawna said as she picked up Caroo and pulled Jay over to the other boulder.
    Kai stayed quiet as he leaded onto the boulder. Ryder was still shocked at what Kai said.
"Kai— What do you mean?-" Ryder asked, mumbling each word. Kai looked up from the ground and blushed intensely at what he was thinking of doing. Ryder didn't take his eyes off Kai.
"Ryder, promise that you'll run over to the border." Kai mumbled. Ryder nodded his head.
"Of course." Ryder said. Kai nodded.
"I'm sorry." Kai said nervously. Ryder looked at Kai confusedly. "Sorry for what Kai?" Ryder asked calmly. Kai stared at Ryder for a split second until he reached over to Ryder and grabbed his shirt collar. Kai pulled him closer to himself and planted his lips right onto Ryder's. Ryder's eyes widened and he blushed a dark red.
   Moments later, Kai pulled away and let go of Ryder's shirt. Ryder sat there in shock until he heard Kai speak.
"Come back to me." Kai mumbled and he started to stand up. Ryder smiled and chuckled silently. Kai looked down at Ryder.
"What?" Kai asked nervously, sitting back down next to Ryder. Ryder smiled.
"Oh nothing, just that you are a horrible kisser." Ryder said nicely. Kai stared at Ryder, embarrassed about what he said. Ryder leaned in quickly and kissed Kai's lips. Kai was shocked that Ryder kissed him but relieved at the same time. Kai kissed back, putting his hand on Ryder's cheek.
   A few seconds later, Ryder broke the kiss and smiled at Kai.
"Now, let's go get into the Demon Realm." Ryder said. Kai smiled and nodded in agreement. Ryder stood up and started walking over to the border where the guards were. Kai ran over to where Shawna and the kids were.
   The guards watched Ryder walk up to the border. They stopped him from going in.
"How can we help you sir?" A guard asked. Ryder looked at the guard.
"I wanted to go over the border. Demon's let anyone over the border besides you guys." Ryder said nicely. One of the guards stared at Ryder for a little until he pulled out a piece of paper. His eyes widened and he glared at Ryder.
"You are prince Ryder Dawn!" The guard said. The other guards stared at Ryder and pulled out their swords.
"Prince Ryder, you are permitted to come with us." Another guard said strictly. Ryder stepped away. The guards started to close in on him. Then Ryder started to run. The guards yelled stop then turned to one of the guards.
"GET HIM YOU FOOLS!!" The guard yelled then all of them ran after Ryder. When Ryder and the guards left, Kai led his family over the border. Shawna smiled and hugged her baby. She looked over at the border line and saw Ryder running back. Kai was waiting for Ryder before entering the border. Shawna held Jay and Caroo tightly.
    Ryder kept running.
          Kai kept waiting.
               The archer shot his arrow.
                   Kai and Shawna started screaming.
                        And Ryder stopped moving.
All At The Same Moment.

1773 Words - Kaylee B.

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