You'd be surprised. I thought, refraining from saying it out loud.

"If, or when, apparently, Akutagawa gets a hold of the device Atsushi just threw into the depths of this giant air ship, what are you even going to say?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

My shoulders slumped. Good God.

"Dazai-san!" Akutagawa called out.

I straightened, putting the headset back on so I could hear clearly. This was too good to miss no matter how much it was going to weird me out.
And then, Dazai hung up.

I gasped, because why wouldn't I, "You sick fu-"


"Kyouka-chan. If you'd prefer, I can set you up with a life of killing. But your anguish isn't yours alone." Dazai breathed, "What should one do, when what they want to do isn't what they're best at? Everyone fights, searching for the correct way to live their lives. What do they seek by fighting? How ought they to live? No one can say."

"All we have is the right to waver, like stray dogs who've hit rock bottom."

I shut my eyes, waiting to just hear what Kyouka would choose. This felt like a moment that I should quote Shakespeare or something, because Aika would have, just in case we were all going to die. And it seemed like it, because even though Atsushi had defeated the guild's leader, the giant metal whale in the sky was still falling, and that was because of a pest even bigger and uglier than Dazai. Someone who hacked into the entire system to continue the decent.

Dazai seemed calm, even though he was annoyed, and so I didn't bother to freak out. It would be no use freaking out anyways, my ability wasn't strong enough to handle something like this. My anger wouldn't last. I don't know if I had an emotion strong enough to give me enough energy to stop something like this.

I guess this is a really good time to quote Shakespeare after all.

Dazai put through Atsushi's communication link into the ship Kyouka was on. He had a tracker on him, disconnected from the intercom he threw into the abyss to distract Akutagawa, that we were using to track his vitals and movements throughout the ship. And yeah, we could hear him too, but I turned that off when they started screaming.

Dazai turned it back on for inspirational effect, and it was working.

"We're out of time! We have to do something or everyone's dead!"

"There's still a way." Kyouka called in, and Dazai and I let out a silent breath in relief.


"Even if the Moby Dick can't be stopped from falling, with enough force from above, it can be destroyed before reaching the city. I'll use this drone."

"That's amazing, Kyouka-chan. We can save everyone." Atsushi smiled through his voice, and then asked for parachutes to make they're escape.

Kyouka whipped the smile off of him quick, "I can't. My ankles are chained down, and I can't make it to the evacuation system. Forget about me."

"No! I won't allow it! Change course!"

"I didn't have a single ray of light until now. But today, I understood that I have choices. If I sacrifice myself to save everyone else, I'll pass the entrance exam.  I can really become a member of the agency. I would regret nothing."

I sighed heavily, slamming my hand down on the record button, "Akutagawa, get Atsushi and get out of there now!"

He didn't bother questioning me. Atsushi was yelling after Kyouka but his voice faded as he was dragged out. It didn't bother caring, as long as Atsushi didn't get caught in the blast.

"I'm leaving."

Dazai took off his headset, "Oh? Where too?"

"To meet them at the docks. You'll be coming too, won't you? I'm taking the car."

"You can drive?"

I scoffed.

In the car, the president was already waiting. I slid into the drivers seat and Dazai gruntingly got in the back, seemingly displeased that I called the driving seat. Either way, I don't think anyone trusted him in the drivers seat of any vehicle and the president sure wasn't going to take the back seat. 

"You've done well."

"Why thank you, president." Dazai replied.

"You as well, Ayame."

"I did nothing but observe."

"You were able to keep a level head despite the tragedy unfolding of Kyouka's sacrifice." He retorted, much to my dismay, because my excuse for that was a simple - Well, that's because it wasn't Atsushi.

"I see. Well then, thank you as well, President."

"Oh, and I'd advice you to be careful pursuing romantic relationships in the ADA."

I slammed on the breaks, on purpose, in front of the red light, "With all do respect, sir, excuse me?"

He didn't even bother looking at me, "I've noticed your advancements towards Atsushi. You're more leinient with him."

"I'm lenient with Kenji."

"In a different way."

I narrowed my eyes, so far it was a menacing glare. My heart was almost pounding, and if the president was looking my way I certainly wouldn't be daring to do this. Daring to try and figure out his emotionless front.

"Ayame-chan! The light is green~!" Dazai sang, and I turned myself back to face the road, slowly pressing on the gas to advance. 

This is what I get for working at a detective agency. 

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