Chapter Two: Organization and Acclimation

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Y/n watched Chaewon scarf down her food, decimating the entire dish in half a minute.

She definitely hasn't eaten at all today...

"So, Y/n, how did you meet this girl?"

"I bumped into her as I started walking home."

"And she's lost her memory?"

"Apparently so."

"Does she remember anything?"

"Her name, and her age. She claims that she doesn't have a family anymore as well."

"I see..."

"So, what are we going to do here?"

"I talked with your mother while we waited for your arrival. We're going to have her work here so that she can accumulate money."

Y/n nodded, "That's not a bad idea. That means she also has something to do while here."


"I also want you to take her out shopping tomorrow." Y/n's mother added.

"Me?? Why me? I don't have any experience with female clothes or fashion. Wouldn't it be a better idea for you to take her shopping?"

"Unfortunately I'm busy tomorrow, so I'll need you to take her to get some clothes. It doesn't have to look good, but she just needs clothes in case we need her to exit the house."

Y/n sighed in defeat, "Alright, I'll come pick her up after school then."

Y/n's mother slowly waved her hand in Chaewon's direction, catching the girl's attention.

"You're going to work under us unless we find your family, okay?"

"I don't have a family anymore..."

Y/n's mother frowned, "Are you sure?"

"I am. I don't have any family outside of my parents, and they're gone."

"Your parents are gone?"

Chaewon silently stared at the table, hinting towards the family that she didn't want to press further.

"Ahem." Y/n's father broke the silence, "Since you're working under us, you will refer to the two of us as 'Mr' and 'Mrs' Kim. You will also refer to Y/n as 'Mr' Kim as well."

Chaewon bowed her head down, signifying that she understood what Mr. Kim had said.

"Y/n will show you to the guest bedroom next to his room where you'll be staying. If you have any questions, feel free to ask him."

Chaewon bowed her head once more. Sensing that their conversation was nearing its end, Y/n stood on his feet.

"I'll show her around the house, and get her the hygiene supplies she needs."

"We'll show her around tomorrow, you should just show her the guest room, and head off to bed. It's pretty late." Mr. Kim replied.

"Got it."

Y/n gestured for Chaewon to follow him as he started towards the stairs.

"You'll be sleeping in the room next to me, so if you need anything, knock on my door before you enter."

Y/n opened the storage closet in his bathroom, pulling out a toothbrush, and a tube of toothpaste.

"These are yours. There's a bathroom inside of your room. I'll hand you a set of clothes, and then you can take a shower."

Chaewon took the supplies in her hands, examining them before following Y/n to her room.

"I assume my mom meant she's going to have your clothes washed as you shower, so feel free to take your time. I'll call for a maid to come up and collect your clothes."

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