Ch. 74 - Tour Guide from Hell

Start from the beginning

"Here's your room," Zekaj said, leaning against the door frame as kicking his feet up on the other side of the frame so the human couldn't squeeze past his big body.

Hunter sighed, pushing the demon inside. Calling him a big loaf as he used all of the strength he could. The demon gave in almost immediately, knowing that they'd be there for a couple hours if the twig kept trying to push him inside.

Jaxon sat his suitcase up against the bed and felt the silk linens on the bed. The room was smaller than Zekaj and Hunter's, though Jaxon didn't know this. He could tell the demons were obsessed with blacks, grays, silver, and gold as they were the accents on everything.

"It's nice," Jaxon said, continuing to look around the room.

"It's amazing," Zekaj corrected him.

"Yeah, It is. I didn't mean it wasn't amazing. Just nice is what came up first," Jaxon tried to explain.

Zekaj wasn't having it and rolled his eyes.

Jaxon took off the rest of the unneeded layers and changed out of the sweaty final layer in the bathroom.

The demon thought about activating a trap or two when they left to surprise Hunter's father when they got back. And as Jaxon stepped out of the bathroom, changed into nicer clothing.

"So, a tour?" Hunter asked.

"Good with me," Jaxon said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Cool," Zekaj left the room and the two humans followed suit again.

Both had to jog a bit to catch up to the demon who was speed walking. It seemed he was ready to get this whole thing over with so he could kick out Jaxon.

The first stop was the library, Jaxon of course was shocked by the size. Zekaj explained some of the histories of the paintings in the room, muttering that he wished Zekai were here instead to do this. He actually paid close attention to their family's history.

Zekaj brought them to the upper floor that was filled with the Voidborne's heirlooms. The demon tried his best to explain but Hunter had to quickly step in to explain, with some added input by his mate. Hunter remembered most of what Zekai had taught him.

Jaxon didn't say much, he mainly noticed how much happier Hunter was here. The demon had yet to get farther than a couple feet from his son. It was obvious touch was the demon's love language as well as most of the time the two were holding hands or Zekaj had his arm draped around his son.

It felt like it should be weird for him to see the two like this, but it felt so natural. Like they had been this way for hundreds of years.

Though the human had noticed that whenever Hunter wasn't looking in his direction, Zekaj would send him the nastiest glare and he swore even the room was getting darker and colder. Even seemed like his eyes were glowing brighter than they already were.

It was shocking how quickly the demon could go from brutal to gentle. Zekaj had a reputation of being one of the meanest, scariest demons in hell.

They were right of course, but no one mentioned how protective he was over those he loved.

Jaxon stopped in his tracks as the three of them reached a balcony overlooking...


Just black nothingness. Stretching on as far as the eye can see.

"Come on, step on up and take a look." Zekaj placed his hand on Jaxon's back and gave him a gentle (as gentle as a 300+ pound demon could be) towards the balcony.

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