
JJ and Pope open the doors to the church, the doors creaking. 'John b!' I groan as he uses my shoulder as a crutch. 'Oh, I'm sorry that I was bit by a gator and can barely walk.' He scoffs and I let out a sigh. 'I'm exhausted and carrying for two here.' I argue back and he sighs as he lets go of my shoulder and goes over to JJ for balance. 'Okay, you're telling me Denmark Tanny decided to hide the cross here?' JJ questions, Pope hums in response. 'Everybody, just spread out.' Kie says as we all slowly walk around the church.

'Okay, well, if I was a cross and wanted to be hidden in an old church, where would I hide?' John b asks talking to himself. 'Are you sure that Denmark hid the cross here, Pope? Like, are we at the right church?' JJ asks. 'It's gotta be here somewhere, guys.' Pope states. 'What if we have to push a secret button or, like, play, like, a...a certain chord, and then, all of a sudden the ground beneath us reveals the catacombs or something on which we stand?' JJ suggests as he plays a chord on the piano and I giggle as I walk over beside him. 'Wouldn't that be amazing.' I say and he nods. 'How about we try find obvious clues?' John b suggests walking past JJ and I. 'It's not an escape room.' Kie states. 'It's gotta be in here.' Pope speaks out. 'I can't see where they'd hide a giant cross here.' John b says. 'No, no. There's no way he would set us up on a freaking goose chase that would lead us to a church that has nothing.' Pope defends as he raises his voice. 'Yes, I get it. I don't know what to tell you, man.' John b argues back to him. 'The clues led us here. The cross is in this church.' Pope tells us, as he is to stubborn to quit. I run my hands through my hair from stress as I take a deep breath.

'Pope, it'll be all right.' I assure him as I sit down on the stool beside him. 'We've had setbacks in the past, and we figured it out. We're gonna find it.' John b adds. 'He's right.' I nod in agreement. 'We've just gotta think about this logically, all right?' John b tells us as he looks between us all. 'Where else would you hide a seven foot tall cross made of gold?' He questions pacing back and forth. 'What?' JJ asks as we all look over at Pope, as he looks up at the beams with his eyes widen with disbelief. 'Oh my god! Look at that.' Kie says in a shocked tone as Pope stands up. Pope walks over to the side of the wall and begins climbing up the wall. 'Pope.' Sarah tries to stop him. 'Hey, no!' JJ yells as Pope keeps climbing up the wall and we all go over to try stop him. 'This is crazy.' I call out to him. 'This church is old.' Kie states but he just ignores us. 'Yo! This church fits to be at least 200 years old.' JJ states and John b nods in agreement. 'He's right. It's too dangerous.' John b agrees. 'Yo, let me just be real. You're not the most coordinated person on planet earth.' JJ calls out. Pope walks across the beam banging on the first one. 'All right, this one's solid wood.' Pope states as he slowly walks to the other beam. 'Pope that's rotten as shit right there, okay?' JJ warns him.

'I hate to break it to you, but that's wood.' John b and JJ say in unison. 'It had to be here. I know it.' Pope mumbles. 'Pope, look out for that giant wasp nest right above your head.' I warn him as he glances up at the nest. 'Hey, just..just move slow, all right? Nice and easy.' John b says steadily. Pope goes to step on a piece of wood, the piece chips off and flies down towards me. JJ quickly grabs my hand and pulls me into his arms before the piece could hit me. 'Whoa, hey! Yo!' JJ calls out to Pope. 'Sorry, Jackie.' Pope mutters as I take a deep breath. 'Go get me a crowbar!' Pope orders and Sarah quickly runs out to the van. 'What are you gonna do, Pope?' JJ asks him. 'I don't want this entire church to collapse on top of us.' JJ says sarcastically as I let out a sigh. Pope starts grabbing at the wood, trying to rip it piece by piece. 'Here, Pope.' Sarah calls out as she re-enters the church. 'Throw it.' He says as she throws it up to him and he catches it. Pope hits the crowbar into the wood, creating a hole. As pieces start to fall down, JJ pulls me back further away.

'What's that?' Sarah asks as she looks closer at the beam, we all look at the direction she is. 'Did you guys see that?' John b asks in disbelief. Through the hole, something shone through it. It was the cross. We all smiled with happiness. 'You did it buddy.' JJ exclaims as we all burst out laughing. 'We did it!' We all chant as we jump up and down with excitement, JJ lifts me up and spins me around laughing before placing me back down. 'Holy shit.' JJ whispers as he pulls me in for a quick kiss. All of a sudden, Pope starts swatting away the wasps. 'Okay, they're stinging now. Ow!' He yells as he drops the crowbar, JJ and I pull away from our kiss as our eyes widen in fear, as Pope slips off the beam, holding onto the beam with his hands. 'Pope!' I scream as I'm about to run towards him but JJ holds me back. 'Cushions.' John b yells as we all quickly hurry and grab a cushion each, placing it underneath Pope. 'I can't hold.' Pope screams in fear as one of his hands slip. 'Oh god!' I cry out as tears fall from my eyes. I'm slipping, guys.' He yells. After a moment, Pope falls onto the cushion, we all run to him in a panic as I kneel down and pull him in for a hug. 'Are you okay?' I ask. 'Oh no.' Pope gasps as him and I look up at the cross, it begins to wobble back and forth before falling out of the beam towards us. 'Jackie!' JJ yells as he quickly grabs my hand and pulls me up causing us both to fall and I land on top of him, as Pope jumps off the cushions.

'You good?' JJ asks me as he examines my body for any injures. 'The baby!' He says and I nod.' We're okay.' I assure him as I stand up and give him a hand up. 'You did it, Pope!' My brother says as we all stare at the cross. 'Pope, she's...she's beautiful.' JJ says. We all trace our fingers across the details of the cross, admiring its beauty. 'I've never seen anything like it.' Sarah states. 'Detail's insane.' JJ says in admiration. 'Well, here's why Limbrey wanted that key so bad.' John b says as we look at the key hole in the middle. 'Whoa. Good find. How much do you think she's worth?' JJ asks. 'Like, if we melted her old bones down, dude, I'm talking like high billions.' JJ states. 'No. This belongs in a museum.' John b states, turning down the idea. 'What? So no one sees her?' JJ asks. 'In a museum where everyone sees it.' John b replies.

'Hey! It's my ancestors cross!' Pope cuts off their argument, I take a closer look at Pope as I see that his eyes, lips and face begin to swell up. 'Pope..' I go to speak but he gets up and they all start lifting the cross. 'JJ, watch your foot.' I point out and he nods sending a wink towards me. 'Ugh. Ugh. Guys, I can't.' Pope grunts as he struggles to carry the cross. He lets go and falls to ground causing the other to lose control and drop it. 'Pope!' I yell as I run over to him. 'You're burning up!' I state as I press my hand against his forehead. 'Your face!' I gasp as I notice the swelling is getting worse, while the others argue over dropping the cross. 'Guys..' I speak up but they continue to ignore me. 'GUYS!!' I yell grabbing their attention. 'He's having an allergic reaction.' I state and all their eyes widen as Pope begins gasping for air. Suddenly Pope's eyes roll to the back of his head, JJ and John b catch him before he falls.

To Be Continued...

Audacious//JJ Maybank (Outerbanks)Where stories live. Discover now