Chapter 58

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We all sit outside the Chateau after giving the tape to Shoupe, the boys are dancing and celebrating as they call it their victory. Sarah, Kie and I sit down on the couch outside on the porch, under the roof while it's pouring rain. 'Ladies and gentlemen, Ward Cameron, king of Kooks, is going to jail.' JJ chants as I glance in the window at the three boys drinking, with the biggest smiles plastered across their face.

I know I should be happy that the man who killed my father is finally going to jail. But, I'm not. This won't bring our father back to us, it won't make us go back to the way life used to be because our lives are completely different now. I also don't feel like being so happy while Sarah's here in front of me, tears staining her cheeks. 'Adios! He's out of there!' The boys chant in unison as Kie bursts out laughing and I send a glare her way as she quickly clears her throat. 'Do you regret it?' Kie asks her, curiously. 'No.' Sarah replies sternly. 'He deserves all of it, and I know that.' She shrugs trying to hold her tears back, I place my hand on hers and give it a reassuring squeeze. 'He's your dad. I get it.' I say softly as a faint smile appears on her face. 'I'm sure it sucks to be in the middle.' Kie states before taking a sip from her beer. Sarah's phone begins to ring and her eyes widen a bit as she takes her phone out from her pocket. 'Sorry.' She tells us as she stands up and walks over to the railing. 'Hello.' She says. Her face expressions drops as more tears fall from her eyes, I glance over at Kie, furrowing my eyebrows in concern.

'Thanks.' She mutters before handing up the phone and looking in the door towards the kitchen, seeing the boys do our handshake and I roll my eyes. 'They're coming for him.' Sarah sighs as I get up and run inside to the lads. 'They're coming for him.' I say grabbing their attention and the lads quickly sprint towards the van. Momentarily after, we all followed after the boys and hop into the van. John b starts the car and speeds down the road to the Cameron residence.


'Oh my god. Can you please hurry? I need to be there for Wheezie.' Sarah says to John b, as she plays with her fingers anxiously. 'You think I want to miss this.' John b states, Sarah looks at him with a hurtful look and I roll my eyes, clipping him by the ears. 'Ow, Jackie. What the hell?' He says angrily and I scoff sitting back down crossing my arms as we pull to a stop outside the Cameron's house. All that could be heard was yelling and we all quickly hop out of the van, and peek over the wall. 'Holy shit.' I gasp as I see all the police officers heading towards the dock. 'Screw it. I'm going over.' John b says lifting himself up in the wall and jumping down into the yard. 'Right behind you.' JJ says as he lifts me up onto the wall along with Sarah and Kie, then him and Pope hop over and we all run after John b, to the scene.

'Dad!' Sarah calls out as we all run towards the docks, Ward stands on the boat while a row of police officers and Shoupe stand on the docks, ready to arrest him. 'Sarah!' Ward says with a shocked tone. 'Hey, hey, you gotta let us through.' John b orders pushing past police officers as we all run over to Shoupe and stand beside him. 'What are you doing here, Sarah?' Ward calls out, tears filling his eyes. 'Dad! What are you doing?' She asks, as tears welled in her eyes. 'Shoupe, you gotta get her out of here! She can't be here right now!' Ward yells and I look up at JJ and he holds the same confused expression as me. 'He's not gonna come down.' I whisper to JJ, as he interlocks his hand with mine.

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