Chapter 48

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The next morning, we all wake up early and clean up the truck before hitting the road again. We are currently on the highway to Charleston. 'Wonder where John b and Sarah are right now.' JJ says beside me as he glances at me and a faint smile appears on my face as we drive into Charleston.

'They're fancy people. They've had three governors in the family. They've run Charleston for, like, 300 years.' Kie informs us. 'These Kooks make our Kooks look like Pogues.' JJ comments as Pope pulls the truck to a stop at a three story mansion. 'You sure this is the place, Pope?' JJ questions. 'Sure.' Pope confirms. The four of us get out of the car, the place had spikes on the gates and everything about it just seemed creepy. Pope knocks on the door and after a moment, a man appears with a odd grin on his face. I got a bad feeling about this so I walk over beside JJ and interlock my hand with his, he glances down at me and gives me a reassuring smile. 'It's okay.' He whispers and I nod. 'You must be Pope.' The man points at Pope, leaning against the frame. 'Um..' Pope looks at us unsure of what to say. 'Are you Mr. Limbrey?' Pope asks.

'Ms Limbrey was expecting you yesterday.' The man states looking at all of us. Pope begins to explain the car troubles until JJ cuts in. 'Carburettor blew up in the middle of Nowheresville. Sorry about that.' JJ tells the man with a smirk. 'Yeah, she was, uh, real upset when you didn't show up.' The man states turning his attention back to Pope. 'She also expected you to come alone.' The man says sternly glaring at JJ for a moment then to Kie and finally his eyes meet mine. 'Have we met before?' The man asks me and my eyes widen in shock as JJ and Kie glance at me. 'Um, no. Sorry.' I reply nervously and he rolls his eyes. 'I mean, these are my friends. They helped find the Royal Merchant too. I..' Pope tries to explain but the man cuts him off. 'The instructions were explicit. Your friends can stay outside.' The man states. JJ clears his throat. 'We're kind of a package deal, man.' JJ speaks up. 'JJ. It's okay. I got this.' Pope reassures him as JJ sighs before nodding. I gave him an unsure look as I didn't feel like we shouldn't be trusting anyone right now. There was something about this place, man and unknown woman that I don't like, I just don't know what it is yet.

After Pope went in, the three of us decided to go back to the truck and just wait for him. JJ's sitting in the driver seat smoking a blunt, Kie's in the back seat listening to music on her headphones while I lean against the exterior of the driver seat door looking out onto the ocean. 'Besides the creepy people, this place is actually quite beautiful.' I say. 'I know a better view that's more beautiful and it's right in front of me.' JJ smirks and I let out a chuckle as I turn around and lean in the window and pull him in for a kiss.

'Look, if Limbrey is legit, then Ward gets arrested and maybe Sarah gets the gold.' Kie speaks up breaking JJ and I's moment. 'Does that look voluntary?' Kie asks as Pope comes out of the house with the man and Ms Limbrey. Pope quickly glances at us before the man nudges him forward. 'That would be a negative.' JJ replies. 'Let's go.' I waste no time about to walk over to the entrance but JJ grabs my arm stopping me. 'Wait, hold on.' JJ says softly as I look back at him furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. 'They're going into the alley.' JJ says. 'Go around the back?' I question and he nods as we quickly hop into the truck and he starts the engine. 'We'll meet them on the other side.' JJ says as he drives around the corner.

'Where did they go?' Kie asks as we stop the car and hop out of it and look down the empty alleyway. A loud scream echos through the alley and my eyes widen in fear. 'Pope!' I gasp as I begin sprinting down the alleyway. 'Jackie! Stop!' JJ yells as him and Kie chase after me. When I turn around the corner, I see the man on top of Pope about to tase him. I charge at the man and tackle him off Pope while JJ kicks the taser away. I begin repeatedly punching the man and the three of them glance at each other with worry. 'Jackie, come on!' JJ urges me as he wraps his hands around my waist pulling me off the man. We take off running down the alleyway towards the truck and quickly hop in it. JJ quickly starts the car and speed down the road. 'Who were those people?' Pope asks and we all shake our heads. 'Let's get out of here.' JJ says.

As JJ takes a turn down another road, I glance back and see that the man is following us. 'He's following us.' I inform the group as JJ picks up speed. I turn my attention back towards the road. 'This is a one way.' I tell JJ and he sighs. 'There's another car! Turn now!' Kie yells at JJ. A big smile is plastered across his face as he gets closer to the car driving towards us and at the last second he turns right down another road. 'Jesus, look out!' Pope yells pointing towards the people crossing the road. 'Oh my god!' Kie and I gasp in unison. 'Get out of the way!' JJ yells back at the people as we speed past them. 'That was evasive driving technique right there, y'all.' JJ smiles, unfazed by the screams of terror coming from Pope and Kiara.

JJ takes a turn down an alley when the truck begins to make a rumbling sound. 'You said he fixed the carburettor.' JJ yells at Pope as the truck pulls to a stop. We have no other option but to get out. 'Number one rule. Never trust mechanics!' JJ tells us as he interlocks his hand with mine as we grab our bags. We take off running down the street as the man pulls up behind us, he gets out of his car and starts chasing after us. 'Guys, I think he has a gun.' Kie tells us and my eyes widen in fear as I glance at JJ running. 'Shit!' JJ curses as we sprint even faster down the road. 'I think I'm cramping.' Pope whines as we continue to run down the alley. I hear a familiar voice yell our names but didn't bother to turn around. 'This way! We might have to split up.' JJ tells us. 'I don't know where to go, okay? We gotta lose them!' JJ yells as he knocks over a postman. 'Sorry!' Pope and Kie apologise to the man. 'Right here!' JJ says pointing down another alleyway. 'Okay!' I pant as we continue springing down the alley. 'He's gaining on you, Jackie!' Pope yells back at me and JJ quickly turns around and grabs my hand before continuing to sprint down the road. We run out of the alleyway stopping when a bike nearly comes crashing into us. I was about to take off running again, but my eyes widen in realisation as I look at the at the person driving the bike.

It went completely silent as I locked eyes with my brother, John b. My heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest as tears begin to fall down my cheek. There in front of me with the same clothing I last saw him in, is my older twin brother who I thought was dead only a few days ago. I thought he was dead, But here I am standing in front of him as our face expression were nothing but shocked. He really is alive. In that moment, all I wanted to do was hug my brother and talk about all the stuff that has happened this past month, but we were still being chased by the man with a gun.

'Get in!' My brother breaks the silence. Kie and I quickly hop in while Pope and JJ helps push the back of the bike. 'Pedal faster, John b.' JJ orders him and my brother listens as the bike begins to pick up speed. Pope stumbles after a moment but quickly gets back up as the both of them hop on the bike. The man jumps forward and got a hold of the bike but I quickly punch him in the face causing him to fall to the ground. 'See you later, alligator!' We all exclaim together. We all cheer as John b peddles away. Everyone was happy. My brother and Sarah were back. We were all alive and having the time of our lives.

To Be Continued...

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