Chapter 11

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 {Kisses In The Rain}

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{Kisses In The Rain}

"Pope, we're not stealing the drone. We're simply borrowing it for a few hours." I assure him as he bites his nails anxiously. "Humans are the only animals that can't tell fantasy from reality," Pope tells us looking out the window of the van as John B drives us to the salvage yard. "Did you come up with that?" My brother asks. "Albert Bernstein came up with it, but it applies to this whole treasure-hunting thing," Pope answers. "Oh." He mutters. "So, which is it? Fantasy or reality?" Pope asks us.

"Why are you so weird, Pope?" JJ asks as he rolls a blunt beside him. "Don't be so rude, JJ. Pope's just asking us a question." I argue defending Pope and JJ looks at me for a split second before going back to rolling his blunt.

"It's fantasy, but possible reality." Kie shrugs. "Reality." John B says. "Virtual reality." JJ and I say in unison glancing at each other, I blush as I see him look away and try to hide his smile. Why has he been hiding and ignoring me all day? Pope grabs JJ's blunt just as he's about to light it. "Keep the signal clear," Pope says before flicking the blunt out the window.JJ throws his hands in the air with annoyance.

"What's your plan?" I asked my brother and Kie. "You and Kie are gonna distract the guard while the boys and I sneak in and get the drone." John B explains pulling the van to a stop. Kie and I hop out of the car and walk around to the other side. "Hey, don't worry you got this." John B assures us and we chuckle. "It's not us that we're worried about," I say pointing at the back of the van to where Pope and JJ are arguing about something before walking over to Kie's car and hopping inside it.

I adjust my shirt to show more cleavage as we hop out of her car in the yard. "Here," I say ruffling her hair. "Ready?" I ask and she nods twirling the keys around her finger. We walk up to the front gate. "Hello? Excuse me?" Kie calls out waving her hand to get the guard's attention. "Can I help you?" The man asks us coming out of his office to the gate. "Hi! Um, I have a flat tire. I was wondering if maybe you could help my friend and me?" I ask him. "Yeah, yeah. One second."He says with a grin walking back to his office. "Too easy," Kie says with a smirk and I nod in agreement.

A moment later he comes out with an air tank in his hand, he presses a button on his key chain to open the gate. Kie leads him to the flat tire. "Probably just been sitting in the yard for too long." The guard says as I give the guys the signal to go. "Yeah, probably." I agree. "Yeah, I got this." He assures us. "Thank you," I say, smiling.

All of a sudden a dog starts barking from inside the salvage yard. I glance at Kie quickly. "Do you hear that?" The guard asks us. "Hear what?" I ask him. "Oh, Tebows got something." He says standing up and looking inside the yard. "It's probably just a squirrel," Kie suggests. "Or a rat," I add on and he nods. "Nothing to worry about." I shrug and he nods in agreement kneeling back down to fix the tire.

I sigh in relief as he believes me. I noticed the tire was nearly aired up, so I motioned for Kie to walk around to the other side of the car and take out her hair clip. "Come on, come on," I whisper tapping my finger off my arm repeatedly. "Where'd your friend go?" The guard asks me. "I, uh.." I stutter unable to stop him from going round to the other side. "What are you doing?" He asks Kie. "Uh, this one seemed low too?" Kie answers nervously. He looks at the both of us before racing back inside the salvage yard.

Audacious//JJ Maybank (Outerbanks)Where stories live. Discover now