Chapter 8

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 {Light House}

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{Light House}

The next day, we're driving through the cut. 'I mean, it's obvious, right?' John B questions. 'A family heirloom. What better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to us, right?' John B says and we all nod. 'Yeah. It's possible.' Kie answers from the passenger seat. 'It could also be possible that you're conducting wild theories to help, you know, deal with your sad feelings.' Pope states.

'Pope?' John B interrupts, Kie looks at Pope seriously. 'Bro, you know how I process my sad feelings. Dank bugs and the stickiest of icky, that's how I do it.' JJ shrugs and I snicker from beside him as I pass him his blunt. 'I'm not concocting, okay?' John B says frustrated as I pull myself back to reality and out of my train of thought.

John B was always closer to our dad than I was. Growing up our mother would always take me away as much as she could to Colorado and just left John B with Dad, so they knew each other better than I knew them. When I was 7, Dad got full custody of John B and me and I was staying in Outer Banks for good. Even after 9 years of being a family, I never really was close with them. I never went fishing with them and besides our dad was always too busy with his research than to mind us, even though I never saw a problem with it. He was a good dad to John b and me, and I miss him like crazy every day.

As if JJ knew I was sad, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and offered me his blunt. 'Here, Jackalope.' He smirks and a faint smile appears on my face. JJ and I always kind of knew when one of us was upset or not feeling good so instead of trying to push each other to talk and open up, we just simply tell each other jokes about things or smoke it off. 'If it helps you believe, John B.' Kie shrugs glancing out the back window. 'Look. I-I don't need a therapy session, okay?' John B snaps at her.

'Look, I'm not tripping out.' He takes a deep breath, calming himself down. 'It's okay to trip, bro, but—' JJ speaks up. 'Look, our, our dad is missing okay? Missing. You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish and then have no idea what happened.' John B says and I let out a sigh leaning my head on JJ's shoulder as I take another hit from his blunt. 'Just waking up every morning wondering. Jackie and I were left with nothing but confusion and questions, she cried herself to sleep every night for almost seven months hoping he would come home. Do you know how it feels to have your sibling cry herself to sleep over the disappearance of your father and you can't do anything about it!' John B shouts and I take another deep breath. 'It's been almost a year.' Kie speaks up looking at me and then at my brother.

'Hey, he could have been kidnapped. That's a possibility.' JJ suggests and I look up with a smile at him for trying to lighten the mood. 'Yeah, could be in a soviet sun getting interrogated by the KGB somewhere.' Pope adds to JJ's comment. 'Absolutely. Uh, or Atlantis.' JJ says. 'What do you think the message is?' Kie asks John B. John b glances back at me before taking a deep breath. 'Redfield.' He answers picking up speed.

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