Chapter 55

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'Oh my god, this is adorable.' Kie says as she admires the pictures of the ultrasound. It was the next day after the failed operation and we were all relaxing outside the shed while JJ waxes his board and Pope reads his book.

'I can't believe that in less than a year, they'll be a new addition to our crazy family.' Pope says in disbelief as he continues to read his book and I smile at him. 'It's unbelievable. I never even thought I'd have kids. Now, look.' I chuckle and Kie smiles at me. 'You two are going to be amazing parents. This baby is very lucky to have you two.' Kie says softly and JJ and I both look at each other as he winks at me and I chuckle. 'Did you think of any names yet?' Kie asks me as JJ goes back to waxing his board. 'Not really. We don't even know if it's a boy or girl.' I reply and she sighs. 'I think if it's a girl you should call her Kiara.' Kie says sarcastically and I burst out laughing. 'I was actually thinking of a girls name, but I don't know yet.' I say sheepishly and Kie smiles. 'You have plenty of time to come up with a name.' Kie says softly. 'And if it's a boy, JJ can name him.' I tell her and she laughs. 'I wouldn't trust him, he'd probably name the baby after a gun or famous surfer.' She jokes and I burst out laughing.

'That's a lot of wax on your board. Put too much wax, It's gonna be slippery.' Pope states and JJ stops waxing and scoffs as I take a deep breath. One thing I learned about JJ growing up with him, don't tell him what he should do with his board. 'Are you telling me how to wax my board?' JJ questions as he clenches his jaw. 'Just saying that's a lot of wax.' Pope defends himself. 'No, no, no. You're telling me how to wax my damn board? You kidding?' JJ says angrily. 'I'm just saying that's a colossal waster of wax.' Pope states. 'Guys, really?' Kie asks annoyedly as I roll my eyes.

A familiar car honk comes from the distance and my eyes widen in realisation, as I stand up. 'Did you hear that?' JJ asks looking over at me and I nod. 'It's the...' I go to speak, as my eyes widen. A second later, the Twinkie pulls up with its busted windshield and sputtering engine. The four of us begin to freak out as John B hops out of the van. 'Hold on. Am I dreaming?' JJ asks in disbelief, at the person standing in front of him. 'No, silly!' I chuckle. 'Guess who's out of the clink, boy!' John b exclaims as he skips over to us. I run up to my brother and pull him in for a hug, he lifts me in the air and squeezes me a bit tight as we both burst out laughing. 'It's good to be home!' He exclaims putting me down on the ground and pulls JJ in for a hug. 'My boy's out of the can!' JJ chuckles as we all huddle in for a group hug.

'How'd you do it? You bust out?' JJ questions as we all pull away from the hug. 'They dropped the charges.' John b tells us. 'They dropped the charges?' I ask in disbelief. 'That's phenomenal!' Kie exclaims. 'You're telling me Jackie and I did all that work for nothing?' JJ shakes his head in annoyance as I giggle. 'Oh, the most elaborate escape plan of all time.' Pope taunts. 'Yeah, it was, actually.' JJ and I say in unison. 'Wait, where's Sarah?' John b asks breaking our conversation as he looked around in concern. 'She went to go meet Wheezie last night.' Kie tells him. We all look at each other with concern and worry as Sarah still hasn't come home yet.

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