Chapter 51

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'John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section 14, you are charged with murder in first degree with aggravated circumstances. If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty.' The judge declares. I feel the air catch in my lungs. People bickering all around me as I just stare blankly into oblivion as tears slowly stream down my face. I was just after getting my brother back and our family is growing and now, I'm going to lose him again.

'Your Honor, he's 17.' JJ speaks standing up. 'Stop.' Pope tells him. 'He's 17! Are you kidding me?' JJ yells as Pope tries to pull him out of the court. 'Hey, John b, we're gonna figure it out.' JJ states as the officer grabs my brother and directs him to the exit. 'Jackie, let's go.' Kie nudges me. As I stand up I feel like my whole world is falling apart, the sound of JJ arguing, Pope trying to calm him as Sarah cries out for my brother broke me. Kiara kept a hold on me as we push through the group of people to get outside.

Once we get outside, all I could hear is people talking about John b getting what he deserved. 'They're gonna kill him, guys. I know it.' JJ states and my eyes widen in fear. 'Seriously, JJ!' Kie argues glaring at him and he sighs. 'I'm sorry for what you and your family have gone through. Thank God for the system works.' A man says as he walks beside Ward Cameron. 'How about you shut the hell up!' I yell at the man pushing through Pope and JJ. I didn't know if it was my mood swings, hormones or that my heart was literally being shattered into a million pieces but I couldn't control it anymore. 'Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you.' I snap at him. People begin to stop and watch as I yell at Ward. 'He'll have his day in court. A jury will decide.' Ward states and I scoff. 'My brother shouldn't even be in court! You should, cause you're the murderer!' I yell, pointing directly at Ward. 'You have a lot of nerve showing up to court.' I argue as Shoupe begins to march over to us. 'I know you're upset. I understand you're upset, okay?' Ward tries to reassure me. 'Upset?' I scoff as I being to approach Ward. 'My family is broken because of you. My child will never meet his or her grandfather because of you and possibly not their uncle either. You should be ashamed of yourself.' I spit at him as everyone's eyes widen. 'I'm sorry for all the pain your family has gone through and I only wish the best for you and your child.' Ward says and I clench my fist in anger as I go to hit him but the officer grabs me and holds me aggressively.

'Don't touch her!' JJ yells jumping in immediately. 'Why don't you take the Kook down for a change?' JJ points out, using his arm to push me back gently out of reach of the officers. 'You wanna get arrested? Get out! You need to go!' Shoupe speaks in a stern voice. 'Come on. Look, it's not worth it.' Sarah says trying to pull us away. 'Sorry, Mr Cameron. You shouldn't be going through this.' Officer Plumb tells Ward. I go to speak but JJ steps in front of me and shakes his head. 'Let's just go.' He whispers to me and I take a deep breath before interlocking my hand with his and walk away. 'You know it's not a coincidence that your daughter's sitting with us.' Kie snaps back as she follows behind.


The five of us headed back to the Chateau as it started to pour down. I was sitting down on the couch out on the porch, drinking water and eating a hamburger as I stare out to the cloudy sky. 'I'm gonna testify under oath. I was there. I just need to get a hold of my sister.' Sarah speaks up breaking the silence. 'Sister?' JJ questions. 'Kie, do you have your phone?' Sarah asks and Kie hands her phone. 'Wheezie is the only other person that knows Rafe wasn't home that day.' Sarah states. 'Wheezie?' JJ asks once again in disbelief. 'I don't know what else to do. I got us into this mess. I'm gonna do my best to get us out.' Sarah tells us and I let out a sigh. 'Wheezie? Yeah, that will work.' JJ scoffs and I look up at him. 'Well, she's right about one thing. We gotta do something. Our boy is a Po-dub right now, okay? He's held captive by the enemy right now, maybe even schedule for execution.' JJ points out and I sigh. 'Please don't talk about it, I don't even want to think of it.' I say running my hands through my hair nervously. 'Are we just gonna sit here?' JJ snaps at Pope and Kie. 'What's the plan? We kidnap Shoupe?' Kie says sternly. 'Maybe, like, that's not the worst idea actually.' JJ states and I roll my eyes. 'No! There is no kidnapping, I don't want to be apart of any of that especially while I'm pregnant.' I state. 'Okay, Pope, look, we've been doing everything your way, and how has that been working out?' JJ asks. 'Okay, okay, so what's your plan?' Pope argues standing up.

'You gonna storm a hail, guns a-blazing?' Pope jokes angrily. 'Look, Pope, all I'm trying to get you to understand is they got our boy. The brother to my girl and uncle to my child. I'm not going to sit back here and do nothing while my brother rots. We're gonna go get his ass. We're gonna do something about it!' JJ yells the last sentence in Pope's face. 'JJ, we're not storming a jail. It's not happening.' Pope declares. 'No, fine man. Sit in your comfy chair. Do nothing. I'm gonna see what I can do.' He argues looking between Pope and Kie. 'Make something happen, even if I have to do it by myself.' He states putting his cap back in his head, my eyes widen in admiration at how strong, independent and hot he's being right now. I really hate these hormones. 'I'm coming with you.' I say standing up and he looks at me. 'No!' He says sternly and I scoff. 'No?' I question raising my eyebrows in annoyance. 'You haven't eaten anything proper in days or even rest. You need to keep care of the baby and yourself. Besides, I'll be back in a few hours with good news.' He says rubbing his hand up and down my hands. 'Ugh, fine.' I roll my eyes sitting back down. 'Just be careful!' I plead and he nods in agreement. 'Ain't I alway?' He says sarcastically winking at me and I chuckle. 'I love you, you idiot.' I smile at him. 'I love you and our little one too.' He replies placing a kiss on my cheek then my stomach before leaving the Chateau.

'Should we be worried?' Pope asks as he looks between Kie and I. 'Yes, for sure. Look, im gonna hit my parents, and I'm gonna see if I can get money for a lawyer.' Kie tells us while I watch JJ hop on his bike and drive away from the Chateau. 'John b has a public defender. He doesn't need that now.' Pope replies walking up to Kie. 'Are you crazy? Justice costs money.' She states and I nod in agreement before standing up to bring the plates and cups inside. 'So I'm gonna dig in hard into anything I can find out about this key, because that tape Limbrey has, that's exculpatory evidence. That can exonerate John b.' Pope explains as I walk back outside to the porch. 'Yeah, we gotta try.' Kie shrugs. After a moment of silence Pope places his hand and Kies waist but she pulls it away and my eyes widen in shock as my eyebrows furrow in confusion. 'We'll talk about it later.' She says before brushing past Pope and leaving the Chateau. 'And then there was two.' I try to crack a joke to break the tension and a faint smile appears on his face. 'I'm going to go talk to my father, I'll be back in a little while. Are you okay here by yourself?' Pope turns around asking me and I nod. 'Yeah. Besides, I think I'm going to go run to the shop and buy a few essential things for me and check in on Greta and Vivian.' I answer. 'Okay. Make sure to get yourself vitamins. Be safe.' Pope says before leaving the Chateau.

To be Continued...

Audacious//JJ Maybank (Outerbanks)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora