Chapter 62

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{The Angel}

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{The Angel}

'Guys, we're coming up on Freedman's church. The church Denmark built for all the slaves he freed.' Pope explains as we drive past the church, I glance out the window and a smile appears on my face, at how beautiful the building is. 'There it is, Angel Oak.' Kie points out the window, over to the massive tree.

'Oh, shit! Tide's coming in.' John b sighs as he drives up closer to the muddy water. 'Hey, wait a second, look. They already came through here. This have to be Limbrey's tire tracks.' Pope states, looking out the window beside me at the tire tracks. 'What do you think, chief?' JJ asks John b, as he pulls the van to a stop before the mud, so it wouldn't get stuck. 'I'm thinking it's looking a little dicey.' My brother says. 'Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with that statement.' JJ nods in agreement. 'Yeah, me too.' I raise my hand in the back and they both smile at me. 'Okay, clearly they made it. No?' Kie asks. 'In a two wheel drive? I don't know about that.' JJ shakes his head. 'Why are y'all acting like you're not gonna do it anyways? Like when have y'all ever done the safe thing?' Sarah speaks up, looking over at me and I smile at her, knowing she was right. 'She's got a point.' I shrug looking between JJ and John b as they both nod, turning around. 'Speed is your friend here, okay? So, put her down in second and hammer down, brother.' JJ says, as we all position ourselves better and hold onto something, so we don't go flying around the van.

'Stick to the ground in the middle.' Pope tells John b. He starts the car and presses his foot hard on the peddle, making the van speed up. 'Come on. Punch it. Speed is your friend. You're not going fast enough.' JJ argues to John b. 'I'm in second.' My brother states. 'It's gonna slide.' Kie says, starting to panic. 'You're fishtailing already.' JJ yells as the van starts to slide. I hold tightly onto the handle, ready for the van to flip at any moment. 'Not to put any pressure on you, but if you don't make it through, we'll be stuck here forever.' Pope says leaning over to John b and JJ. 'Put your head back.' I say, grabbing Pope by the jacket and pull him back, to sit down beside me. We all cheer in relief when we make it out. John b pulls the van to a stop and we all hop out. 'That's my girl.' JJ exclaims tapping to side of the van. 'What about me?' I whine jokingly and he chuckles. 'You'll always be my main girl.' JJ says, winking at me.

'Angel oak is right through here.' Pope points over to the tree. 'All right, so word to the wise, definitely know that gators nest back here, so keep your eyes peeled, okay?' JJ tells us, as he interlocks his hand with mine. 'You do not want to step on a mama gator. That's the last thing you want.' He states. 'They have nests?' Kie asks as we begin to walk towards the tree. 'All right. You don't wanna be a Pat Womack.' JJ says, picking up a stick for protection. 'She had her calf chewed off by a gator, right, you know that, right?' JJ asks looking at us, and I nod my head. 'That's actually not true.' Kie comments. 'Pat Womack was injured in a car accident, but I hear you.' She finishes. 'Okay, just live in ignorance. But like, she had her calf chewed off by a mama gator. I know that for a fact.' JJ tells Kie, as I stifle a laugh at his attitude.

Audacious//JJ Maybank (Outerbanks)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora