Chapter 26

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Ever since Bella had broken up with Edward 4 months ago, he's been a wreck.

Edward was a mess that first night and we couldn't believe it until the next day when Bella didn't show up for school. I had stubbornly refused to believe she would do that until a month passed and then another month passed.

Edward had grown to be a recluse. His original Bella-induced happiness had disappeared and he was now a literal walking dead.

I was not only angry with Bella but I was devastated. Her presence seemed to have sucked part of our life force out. We were all affected by her absence.

The worst part was that Trina and Moz were freaking out. We kept in touch with them but we made sure to meet in neutral places since Edward refused to be anywhere but school or his room.

Trina had called frantically after a month, asking us where Bella was since she hadn't returned any of their calls.

"You didn't hear?" Alice asked confused.

"Hear what?" Trina asked.

"Trina, Bella's gone. She picked up when we got back and totally split. She broke up with Edward and everything, telling him to not find her because she'd disappear."

"What?" Trina screamed over the phone. We heard a click and suddenly, Moz was also on the line.

"Tell me exactly what she did and said," Moz ordered over the phone.

"She told Edward that the heist made her realize what was important, that she was leaving and that we shouldn't try to look for her because we would never find her," Alice told them.

"That doesn't sound like the Bella I know," Trina breathed over the phone.

"Well, it seems like you didn't know her as well as you did," I muttered lowly. Alice shot me a look and listened to Moz speak again.

"I can't help but feel something's up with this. Bella's always told me where she was going but for her to leave quickly is just, downright odd."

"Well, maybe she wants to go on a path that doesn't involve anyone she cares about," I told them. Alice elbowed me to be quiet but I could really care less.

"I'll go check her house," Moz said and we could hear the jingle of keys and the slam of a door.

"We'll update you," Trina said quietly and hung up the phone.

We got a call from Moz and Trina a month later confirming the worst. Bella had not only gone, she had really disappeared.

I knew why they called her The Fox but her nickname should have really been Spirit because she came into our lives silently, left an impression, and left just as quietly.

It wasn't until today that we something happened that would forever change our lives.

Emmett and I were playing Mario Kart, only because I had forced him to, when the house phone rang. I heard Esme walk toward it and answer it. Suddenly, we heard the phone drop and a sharp gasp from her. We were about to go to Esme when she sped over to the foyer.

"Everybody downstairs NOW! And I mean EVERYONE!" she hollered. She ran back to the phone and motioned for us to gather around. Her announcement had rattled us so much that even Edward came down to see what had caused her to freak out.

"You all need to listen," she said as she made eye contact with every single one of us, her gaze lingering on Edward the most.

"Go ahead," Esme said clearly into the speakerphone. We heard a throat clear and a familiar voice come on.

Purple Eyes - A twilight fanfic. - COMPLETED!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora