Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning at around 9:16 I figured. I had always had a good internal alarm clock and I depended on it during my travels.

I packed up my stuff, hid it and went on my way outside to get ready for my cover.

I walked around town and finally settled at a diner. Good, little places like these always held gossip and I could make meaningless connections for my benefit.

The door jingled when I walked in and everyone ceased conversation before starting back up again in hushed whispers. Figures. Something new comes into town and I'm suddenly a freak show.

I sat at a stool in the front while perusing the menu when a waitress walked up to me.

"You're new" she stated.

Wow. I didn't even get a 'Can I get your order ma'am?' or a 'How can I help you?'

"That was blunt" I stated while she blushed and looked down at her shoes "but it's OK. I am and I need a bit of help."

"What kind of help?" she asked with a smile now that she knew I wasn't offended by her previous remark.

"I need to know if any houses or apartments are being sold or rented" I asked while she puckered her lips in concentration.

"Sure" she said after a while, "We have a few! I'm almost done so I can show you the places and whatever you need."

I nodded and asked for a muffin while I waited. What I wouldn't give for a Starbucks at this moment. When the girl finished, she bounced over to me and took my arm while I threw bills on the table.

"I'm Jessica! I go to the High school here and I'm a junior! How old are you anyway? Are you here by yourself? Why are you here?" she fired off before we hit the first street.

"I'm sweet 16, I am here by myself and I'm here because I wanted to come here." I answered calmly while following her.

"Where are your parents?" she asked while we walked up to an apartment complex.

"I don't have any." I answered shortly and waited for her to continue walking.

She nodded and we spent a few hours going around the town and surveying a few apartments.

"Aren't there any houses around here that are on sale?"

"Sure" said Jessica "Can you afford it?"

I nodded and we went to check a few more places before I stopped at one particular house.

"It's perfect" I said in amazement.

"We haven't even gone in" said a bewildered Jessica.

"Oh yeah. Well, let's go!" I exclaimed giddily before pulling her along.

I fell in love with the small house the more that I explored it. Best of all, it was private and it had a garage where I could tinker around with my new toy bike.

I turned to Jessica and yelled "I'll take it!"

Jessica scrunched up her face and said "I'm not a realtor though."

"Oh. Then let's find one and tell them I'll take it." I reasoned and allowed her to pull me to the realtor's.

To say that Mrs. King, the realtor, was surprised would have been an understatement.

"You'll buy it?" she asked puzzled.

"Yes" I asserted.

"Today?" she asked again.

Purple Eyes - A twilight fanfic. - COMPLETED!Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu