20. For You (II)

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After Bam left the tower, which was right after he walked out of the bedroom with Ville, Aria could tell something was up.

Ville sat beside her on the couch, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

Aria watched him for a moment, then moved over closer, laying her head on his chest.

"Are You okay, Ville?" She asked softly as he kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm alright, my love." He Said, moving a bit of hair out her face.

She looked up at him, studying his face. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Of course, Aria." He said. "And you me."

She smiled a little, burying her face in his chest.

They sat for a moment, absolutely silent, until Aria decided to ask something she had wanted to for a while.

"Hey, Ville?"

"Yes, love?" He asked, looking at her curiously.

She looked up at him. "Can you teach me some Finnish?"

He chuckled a little. "Now?"

She sat up, crossing her legs underneath her. "Yeah!" She Exclaimed, smiling at him.

He laughed, sitting up straight. "Well, What do you want to learn first?"

She thought for a moment. "How about a simple greeting?"

"Mmm." He hummed a little. "Hei, minun nimeni on Ville. Hauska tutustua."

She listened intently as he spoke, then tilted her head a little. "What does it mean?"

"It means, Hi, I'm Ville. Nice to meet you." He said, smiling at her. "Can you try?"

She bit her lip, blushing a little. "I'll mess it up," She Said. "But...hei, minun.."

She stopped, looking up at Ville for help.

"Nimeni." He said.

"Nimeni." She repeated. "What does that mean?"

"Name." He said.

"Ah." She nodded. "So, Hei, minun nimeni on Ville, Hauska tutustua."

"Your name isn't Ville!" Ville Exclaimed, laughing.

"Oops." Aria giggled a little, then ran a hand through her long hair. "Hey, How do you count in Finnish?"

Ville bit his lip a little. "Yksi, kaksi, kolme, neljä, viisi." He said, his deep voice sending chills up Aria's spine even through he was only counting. "That was up to five."

Aria nodded, going through the numbers and their pronunciations in her head.

"Then to ten is," He said, looking her in the eyes. "Kuusi, seitsemän, kahdeksan, yhdeksän, and kymmenen."

She stared back into his green eyes for a moment, and he began to lean in.

She leaned in as well, closing her eyes as his lips hovered only inches from hers.

Finally, she felt his soft lips on hers. He placed both hands on her waist, pulling her close to him as he deepened the kiss.

At times like this, Aria felt the most safe. She was so in love with Ville, and she could only hope he felt the same love for her.

Of course, he did. He loved her more than the universe. Maailama.

His hands wandered up Aria's back, finally making their way to the back of the head, where he began to run them through her hair.

Aria had her hands wrapped around Ville's waist, pulling him as close as it was possible; she wished she could melt into his embrace, the one which she loved so much.

Ville bit her lip ever so slightly, and she let out a surprised whimper.

He smiled into the kiss, then went back to gently pressing his tongue to her lips. She opened her lips, allowing him entry.

Ville felt so in love in this moment. Every part of Aria was sweet, even her insides.

Aria reached her hand up, gently grabbing onto Ville's hair, pulling it the slightest bit.

Ville chuckled into the kiss, lowering his hand to caress her back. He slipped his hand beneath her shirt, feeling her soft skin against his hand.

He went higher, beginning to touch the seam of her bra, when she suddenly jerked away, a whimper escaping her lips.

"Love, what's the matter?" Ville Asked worriedly, as she buried her face in her hands.

"N-nothing." She whimpered, running her hands through her hair.

Violet moved closer, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her to his chest as she began to sob softly.

"Kulta, why are you crying?" He asked gently, looking at her with concern filling his emerald eyes.

Aria swallowed, tears streaming down her face. "I-I'm Sorry.."

"You don't have to be sorry, Aria.." He ran a hand through her hair, trying his best to comfort her.

"N-no...it's something I didn't tell you.." she whimpered, looking up at him. "I should've told you...I had a boyfriend in Minnesota.."

She drew in a sharp breath, the tears still freely falling.

"He...did bad things to me.." she sobbed, burying her face in his chest.

Ville's face fell, and he knew exactly what she meant. He felt guilty for going overboard. He knew he shouldn't have rushed like that, but his adoration for her always got the best of him.

"Love...you're safe now.." he cooed, kissing her the forehead. "I promise, you're safe."

She hated that she couldn't stop crying. The memories of her boyfriend were just too much to handle, and it still felt like she hadn't fully moved on from the situation yet. She knew she was safe, why couldn't she let go?

She brought up a hand to wipe the tears, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Ville.." She Said quietly. "I-I don't know why I can't move on.."

"I understand," he said. "You've been through trauma...it will take time."

"I'm sure you hate me.." she whimpered.

"Aria, I am incapable of ever hating you." He said, lifting up head so she could look at him. He felt heartbroken that she would even think such a thing. "You are perfection, my love. I adore you. And I'll be here for you."

"You won't leave?" She Asked, her soft voice hardly above a whisper.

"I'll never leave you." He said, and she laid her head back on his chest. "Never."

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