17. In Joy And Sorrow (II)

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"You must be Aria's boyfriend."

It hit Ville that this must be Aria's father. If he had been in her house, he might've found the piece of paper Ville had given Aria with his number written on it.

Ville swallowed. "Who is this?" He Asked.

"Is Aria there?"

"Answer my question." Ville growled.

"Do you anger easily, Ville?"

"Not usually, Unless I'm on the phone with a man who hurts his daughter." Ville Said.

"So Aria told you about me, then?"

"You cruel bastard." Ville growled. "How dare you have ever laid a hand on her."

"And how long have you known her?" Her father asked. "You have no idea how irritating she can get."

Ville literally wanted to kill him through the phone. "I'm lost for words at how disgusting you are," He said. "You are a sick human being. How do you sleep at night? Aria is nothing but perfect."

"Tell her I want to see her."

Ville clenched his fists. "Never."

"If she wants to see me, she should be allowed to." Her father Said.

"There is no way in the world she'd ever want to see your pathetic face ever again." Ville hissed.

"You know what, Ville? Why don't I just find you? I'll come see her myself."

"If you come anywhere near Aria.." Ville started.

"Just What are you gonna do about it?"

Just then, he hung up.

Ville slammed the phone down, letting out a loud growl.

"Haista paska!" He Shouted.

He hadn't noticed that Aria had just walked in the room, and she was just watching him, a look of confusion on her face.

"Ville?" She Asked.

Ville turned around, his expression softening. "Yes, my love?"

"Are...you okay?" She asked.

He bit his lip. "Uh...Yeah.." he said, tugging a bit on one of the curls that came out from under his hat.

He went over and began stirring the pancake batter again, and Aria made her way over to the counter, where she sat down in one of the chairs.

Ville wasn't sure if he should tell her that her dad called, because he was afraid to scare her.

Then again, it might be better to prepare her for what could come.

Ville cleared his throat, and Aria looked up at him.

"Ville, is something bothering you?" She Asked, tilting her head a bit and looking at him worriedly.

Scared To Death // Ville ValoWhere stories live. Discover now