14. Sweet Pandemonium

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Aria spent the day with Ville, reluctant to go home.

She enjoyed being with him, just listening to him tell stories, or joking around with him.

It was true, what she felt for him was love already.

Did he think the same of her as she did of him?

She remembered last night, and it told her the answer to that question was yes. He seemed truly in love with her, at least it seemed so.

Of course, she and Ville had only kissed for a while last night, nothing more. Maybe it was a fluke thing? Something that only occurred in that moment?

For now, she wouldn't know. She would have to be patient, as much as it pained her.

The time came for Aria to leave, or at least, the time came where Aria decided she should leave so she wouldn't have to bother Ville anymore.

"You're not bothering me." Ville Said after she told him her reason for needing to leave.

"I just don't want to waste anymore of your day." She Said, biting her lip as she went around and collected her things and shoved them into her purse.

"At least let me walk you home?" He asked, going over and getting her coat for her.

She walked over to him, taking them from him. "Well," She Said, smiling a bit. "If you'd want to.."

"Of course I want to, darling." He said, getting his own coat from where it was hanging.

Aria slipped on her coat, sticking her hands in the pockets as she watched Ville put on his, along with his hat and scarf.

After he finished, unlocked the door, opening it for her.

She smiled, stepping outside, the cold air hitting her like a wall.

She immediately shivered, looking around.

Ville stepped outside right behind her, taking a deep breath. "It Looks like it snowed last night."

She nodded, rubbing her arms in attempt to warm herself. If she was already this cold, the walk home would take forever.

They both started walking, Ville burying his hands deep in his pockets. They walked shoulder to shoulder, the two staying completely silent as they walked.

Perhaps it was all they had on their minds keeping them so silent. So much had changed for them in less than a week, and those emotions were hard to process.

Aria, wanting to use her last moments with Ville for the day for actually speaking, decided to break the silence.

"Remember how we met?" She Asked.

He chuckled a little. "Love, How could I forget?" He asked. "It was only last week."

"Right, right.." she mumbled, a blush creeping up on her cheeks. "It's just...funny.."

"How me met?"

"Yeah.." She Said, looking up at him. "I mean...I almost died...if you hadn't stepped in.."

He seemed saddened by her saying that, and looked down at feet.

"And then I was almost kidnapped.." she mumbled. "I'm just glad you were there both times. Thank you, Ville.."

He looked up at her, giving her a small smile. "You're welcome, kultaseni."

She smiled back, but suddenly, felt thick ice under her feet. She tried to keep her balance but fell backwards, a small cry escaping her lips.

She nearly hit the found when she felt a pair of strong arms catch her.

She opened her eyes, looking up into Ville's.

He was breathing heavily, likely because she had scared him.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes full of worry.

She blushed as he helped her stand.

"Uh...Yeah.." She croaked out. "I think I am.."

"We haven't even made it to your apartment yet, and you've almost gotten hurt." He said. "Do I need to keep you in my tower for longer?"

She laughed a bit as they began walking again. "I honestly wouldn't mind that.."

He smiled, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close protectively.

After a bit more of walking, Ville looked at Aria.

"Aria?" He asked.

"Yeah?" She responded, looking up at him.

"Is...there anything else we should tell each other?" He asked. "I mean about our lives...I feel like I hardly know much about you."

She swallowed. "Sure." She Said. "What do you wanna know?"

"Well," he said, kicking a rock from the sidewalk. "Do you have a job?"

She sighed. "I wanted to go to college while in the United States, but you know..." she mumbled. "My dad wouldn't let me. So, I don't know...Chloe thinks I should work at the café, but that's not my calling."

He stared at her a bit, nodding. He could tell there was something else she wanted to say.

"What is your calling?" He Asked, looking at her curiously.

She bit her lip. "It's stupid." She mumbled.

"I highly doubt that." He said, looking at her. A smile grew on his face. "Please, Tell me."

She looked down. "I enjoy writing poetry.." she mumbled. "Just writing in general."

He smiled. "That's not stupid at all." He said.

"But it's so unrealistic of me to think I'll achieve anything in that field of work.." she mumbled. "Just like my dad said...I'm nothing but a failure.."

"Love.." Ville Said, his face falling.

He stopped, taking her hands in his. She looked down sadly, and he rubbed her hands gently.

"Love, don't listen to what he said." He whispered to her.

"It's hard," She Said quietly, looking up into his green eyes. "His voice is all I hear anymore."

He reached up, stroking her face with his hand.

"I'm so sorry.." he whispered, sighing. "You'll stop hearing him, I promise.."

She nodded, swallowing.

"You should follow your dreams." He added, giving her a small smile. "I'll be here for you."

She smiled a bit, biting her lip. "You don't think it's stupid and unrealistic?"

He shook his head. "Not in the slightest bit."

He took her hand in his, and they began walking again, snow beginning to fall around them.

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