19. Heartkiller

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When Aria woke up, she was slightly confused at first as to where she was, until she turned.

Ville was still fast asleep next to her, his mouth open a bit as he snored quietly.

She smiled a little to herself as she looked at him, hardly able believe that he was still perfectly beautiful while sleeping.

She reached over slowly, gently moving a stray curl of hair out of his face.

She laid her head back down on her pillow, as she sighed softly, shutting her eyes.

At the time she felt calm, as if he father wasn't anywhere nearby, and still at the other side of the world.

She felt safe, next to Ville. He would protect her, just like he said. She knew he would.

As she began to fall asleep again, she was awoken by the sound of a doorbell ringing.

She sat up, looking down at Ville, who was still asleep, unfazed by the sound.

She bit her lip. He looked so peaceful, but she didn't really want to answer the door in fear of who it could be.

However, she stood up slowly, beginning to walk out to the to front door.

The doorbell rang again, and she swallowed as she approached the door.

She unlocked it, looking back at the bedroom in hopes that Ville would be awake, which sadly wasn't the case.

She bit her lip, opening up the door and peeking out. A guy stood there, picking at his nails a little.

She let out a soft sigh of relief. At least it wasn't her dad.

Her soft little sigh caused him to look at her, and he smiled a bit.

"Hey there." He said.

"H-hi.." she mumbled.

"What's your name?"

"Um...I'm Aria." Aria swallowed, opening the door a little.

"I'm Bam. Is Ville here?" He asked.

"He's still asleep." She Said, giving him a small smile. "Are you a friend of his?"

"Yeah." He said, nodding. "Are you..?"

It hit Aria just then that she didn't know exactly what she and Ville were.

"I'm also a friend of his." she mumbled, not sure what else to say. She looked down, blushing the slightest bit. "Would you like to come in?"

"Sure, why not." He shrugged. "Maybe I can wake him up."

She chuckled a little, opening the door so Bam could step in. She shut the door, looking over at him as he went over and helped himself to coffee. 

"So...Bam.." She Said. "How did you get past the locked gate?"

He laughed a little, pouring himself a mug of coffee. "Ville Gave me a key so I could get into his secluded tower out here."

She laughed a little. "That's probably good."

"Yeah. It would've been a shame if he had just locked me out." He said, setting the coffee pot down, then taking a sip of the coffee he had just poured. "Well, I'll go wake sleeping beauty."

Aria nodded, and Bam went into the bedroom, leaning in the doorframe as he took another sip of coffee.

Aria walked over, watching from the hallway as Bam turned his head to smirk at her.

"Watch this." He turned to face Ville again, taking a deep breath.

She nodded again, watching him expectantly.

"Ville Hermanni Valo, herätä!!" He shouted loud enough to make Aria jump. 

"Mitä helvettiä?" Ville asked, jumping awake and looking up at Bam.

Aria bit her lip, again wishing she spoke fluent Finnish.

Ville grabbed his pillow, chucking it at Bam.

"I told you to stop waking me like that.." he mumbled, yawning.

"Your girlfriend told me to do it." Bam Said jokingly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hey!" Aria protested, laughing a little. "That's not true."

"Really? Becuase you told me to wake up your lazy ass boyfriend." Bam put his hands on his hips.

"Okay, I definitely didn't say that.." she said. "I'm suddenly regretting letting you in."

"That's harsh."

"I can be harsher."

Ville laughed a little, and Bam looked over at him. "What's so funny, Valo?"

He shook his head. "Oh, nothing.." He got up, stretching a little. "I see you helped yourself to coffee.."

"Oh, yeah." Bam Said, living up his mug and taking a sip. "It's good."

Ville nodded, walking over to Aria and leaning in, kissing her on the cheek.

"Did you sleep well, love?" He asked.

Aria smiled at him, nodding.

Bam gave Ville a look, and Ville looked at Aria, biting his lip.

"Aria, could you give us a minute?" He asked.

"Oh," She Said, giving him a small smile. "Of course."

She gave him a kiss, then went into the living room as Bam and a Ville stepped into the bedroom, shutting the door.

Bam went over and sat on the bed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Ville," He started.

"I know what you're going to say." Ville Said, sighing.

"After everything that just happened with Erika," Bam Said. "You already have a girlfriend? Ville, you need time to heal."

"It's been six months." Ville Said. "Besides, I wasn't in love with Erika like I am with Aria.."

"Does she know about your problem?"

"Yes." Ville Said.

"When was the last time you drank?"

"Last time you were here." Ville answered. "Enough questions."

"Listen, Ville.." Bam said. "I'm sure Aria is great and all, but I can just see you getting your heart broken again."

"She's not going to leave." He said, sitting down on the bed next to Bam. "She's different, I swear."

Bam bit his lip. "Just be careful." He said. "That's what you said about Erika."

"Erika could've died in a hole for all I care." Ville growled. "I never said anything about her being different."

Bam threw up his hands defensively. "I care about you, that's all." He said. "Just don't rush into anything without finding out her motives."

He got up, leaving the room as Ville watched him, rolling his eyes.

"I promise you, Bam," he said. "You'll see that she's different."

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