3. This Fortress Of Tears

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No one can hurt you now, in this haven safe and sound.

After Ville left the cafe, Chloe decided to walk Aria home.

The entire way, she talked and talked about Ville.

"You know, he hugged you.." She Said.

"No kidding." Aria rolled her eyes.

"Maybe That means he likes you?"

"It was a hug, Chloe." Aria Said, sighing. "Sure, he's a cute guy, but I doubt he'd like me, anyways."

"You mean a beautiful guy?" Chloe Asked.

"That, too." Aria mumbled, blushing a little.

"Oooh! You have a crush on him!" Chloe squealed a bit. "That's adorable."

Aria looked down, kicking a rock with her foot. "We only met today." She mumbled.

"You have to talk to him again." She Said.

"How? I don't know where he lives...or anything about him for that matter." Aria sighed, her breath visible in the cold air.

"He lives here." Chloe Said, shrugging. "I'm sure you'll run into him again."

"We're here." Aria got off of the subject, looking up at her apartment building.

After saying goodbye to Chloe, Aria went inside, laying herself on her bed once she took off her shoes.

She stared up at the ceiling, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

She couldn't help but think about Ville again. He really was beautiful. And his voice. So deep and honestly, sexy.

And when he said her name, the way he rolled the 'R,' hearing It again made her heart skip.

But she shook off the feeling. Surely she'd never see him again. And she definitely couldn't catch feelings.

She sat up, reached for her coat, then got up to hang it.

Before hanging it, she stuck her hand in the pockets to make sure she hadn't left anything, though she typically didn't put things in them.

However, she felt something in one of them.

She furrowed her eyebrows, pulling it out as she hung the coat.

It was a folded up piece of paper, slightly wrinkled from being in her pocket.

She went over to her bed, sitting down as she unfolded it.

There was a number written on it, along with a note.

It was nice to save your life today. Call me? -Ville

She smiled a bit, her heart skipping a little.

He must've slipped it in her pocket when he hugged her.

But He wanted her to call him? Really?

She absentmindedly reached for her phone, then stopped herself.

Too soon, she thought. I can't do that yet.

She put his number by the phone, then laid back on the bed.

When she finally did fall asleep, she dreamt of Ville.

Little did she know, she would dream of him every night from then on.

The next morning, she awoke as the sunlight poured through her bedroom windows. She sat up, stretching a little as she gazed out the window, seeing something that wasn't there yesterday.

"Snow!" She Exclaimed, standing up quickly.

She hurriedly grabbed some coffee and changed, then slipped on her boots and coat. She put on a scarf and a pair of gloves, then ran out the door.

She looked up at the greyish-white sky, which chunks of snowflakes were still falling from.

She laughed a bit, spinning around a little.

She loved snow. It was one of her favorite things in the world, and, growing up in Minnesota, she was used to it.

She was looking forward to winter here, as she was told that it was beautiful, even though it was extremely cold.

She continued just looking at the sky, then, though she felt like a child doing so, stuck her tongue out to catch snowflakes.

"Aria?" She heard a deep voice ask.

She looked down, putting her tongue back in her mouth. Her cheeks turned red when she saw him.

Ville stood there, a coat, scarf, and beanie on, with a cigarette between his lips.

"V-Ville.." She Said. "I...um.."

He laughed a little, and she blushed a bit more.

"Sorry you had to see that.." she mumbled.

"You don't need to apologize for enjoying the weather." He said, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth.

He tossed it on the ground, stomping it out.

"Do you live here?" He asked, looking up at the apartment building.

"Yep." She Said.

He nodded.

"Where do you live?" She Asked.

He smirked a little. "In a tower."

"No way." She Said.

"Yes way." He replied.

"Really?" She Asked. "I have to see it.."

The words came out of her mouth before she had a chance to think about them.

"I-I mean, that would be cool to see.." She Said. "I mean, that's cool."

He laughed. "You can see it sometime if you'd like." He said. "You do have my number now."

She laughed a little. "Yes, I do.." She Said.

There was silence for a moment between them, then Ville looked around a bit.

"Well...I was going to the cafe.." he said. "Would you like to accompany me?"

Aria blinked in surprise. "U-um...sure!"

He smiled. "Great." He said. "I was hoping you would."

He reached out his arm, wrapping it around her shoulders, as they began to walk in the direction of the cafe together.

"How long have you lived here, love?" He asked.

"Two months." She Said, her breath hitching in her throat as he looked over at her, his green eyes staring straight into her blues.

She noticed his grip on her got a little more tight, which made her heart skip.

"Only two months?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Where did you live before?"

"Minnesota." She Said.

He chuckled a bit. "Then you're used to snow."

"Yep." She Replied, emphasizing the 'P.'

There was a minute of silence as the two walked, snow falling around them.

"May I ask why you moved here?" Ville Asked, looking back at her.

She looked down at her feet.

"Um...I needed a fresh start, I guess.." she said. "And my dad...he started to get abusive. It was best to leave, and get far away."

She looked away from him, tears stinging her eyes a bit. She hated thinking about her father at all, especially since she left her sister and mom with him.

"Oh.." Ville Said. "I'm sorry.."

"It's fine.." she said quietly.

He gave her a loving squeeze. "Look at that, we're here."

Scared To Death // Ville ValoWhere stories live. Discover now