2. Beautiful

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Just one look into your eyes, one look, and I'm crying, 'cause your so Beautiful.

After waiting Impatiently for the evening, seven-thirty finally came, and, though it was a little early, Aria got ready and began walking to the cafe, anxious to tell Chloe about what had happened earlier.

Her heels clicked on the concrete as she walked, the sky now becoming dusk around her. She closed her jacket slightly, shivering.

I should've worn more layers, she thought. I am in Finland now.

She continued her walking, and the dark began to make her feel slightly anxious, as there were people walking by every so often, giving her odd looks.

She heard footsteps behind her, and her heart started beating quickly.

It's just someone walking, she thought. Just walk a little faster.

Her feet began carrying her more swiftly, and the footsteps behind her started to match hers.

They're following me.

Not even taking a second to think, she started running. She approached the cafe, when suddenly, she was grabbed. The person wrapped their arm around her waist, attempting to drag her into a nearby alley.

"No!" She screamed. "Let me go!"

She tried to push the strong arms off of her, but it was no use. Whoever it was had a death grip on her.

She was being pulled into the shadows now, her kicking and screaming not even seeming to faze the individual.

"Hey!" She heard.

Suddenly, the person who held her stopped.

A thin, pale figure came into the light, and Aria sighed in relief.

It's Ville.

The person's grip tightened on her.

"Let her go." Ville growled.

The arms around her loosened, and she ran over to Ville. She looked around, realizing that it was only the two of them now.

"You saved my life again," She breathed, then laughed. "For the second time today."

He laughed a bit. "Maybe avoid close encounters with death from now on, love?"

"If I can help it." Aria laughed. "Danger just seems to be attracted to me."

"Well, it has very good taste." He said, then shook his head, sighing. "I...apologize for saying that."

"Um...no," Aria Said, then smile a bit. "It's alright."

"Valo!" A voice from inside shouted.

"Oh.." Ville Said. "We should go inside."

He opened the door for Aria, and she stepped into the cafe, which was more crowded than she had ever seen it. A few men were setting up onstage, and she guessed they were the band. She looked behind them, seeing a banner, showing the band's name.

"HIM.." she stated, reading the banner.

"It Stands for 'His Infernal Majesty." Ville Said.

"Are you a fan?" She Asked.

He laughed. "You could say that."

"Aria!" A woman's voice called.

Aria looked over to where the voice was coming from, seeing Chloe waving at her.

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