16. In Joy And Sorrow

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(☝︎︎look how cute he is <3)

After they got back to Ville's apartment, Aria went and sat on the couch, just looking down sadly. She was afraid. Her father was in the city, and he would come for her, for sure. And he wouldn't hesitate to hurt her if he found her.

Ville sat beside Aria, just watching her.

He hated seeing her so broken like this. He knew she was scared, and he was, too. He didn't want her to get hurt.

He reached for her hand, and she flinched.

"Shh...darling, I won't hurt you.." he said quietly.

"I know...I'm sorry..." she mumbled. "I'm just really shaken up.."

"It's okay, love.." he said. "I would be, too."

She swallowed, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest.

"You know.." she mumbled brokenly. "The first time I went to the hospital from him, he had given me a concussion...the second time, he kicked me so hard that I was throwing up my own blood."

Ville winced, his grip on her tightening.

He didn't want to think about how someone could be so cruel to intentionally inflict pain on her. She was too innocent, and too sweet.

He swallowed, sighing. "I'm so sorry, my love.." he said, his voice breaking a bit. "I promise, you're safe now.."

Aria buried her face in Ville's chest, breathing in his scent which she loved so much.

"Ville?" She asked quietly.

"Yes, darling?"

She shut her eyes. "Can got just hold me for a while?"

Ville rubbed her back. "Of course." He whispered, pulling her closer.

When Aria awoke, Ville was still holding her tightly, fast asleep.

She laughed a little, studying his face.

Gosh, he really is beautiful, she thought, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

What in the world did she do to deserve a man like this just pop into her life?

She gave him a quick kiss on the nose, then wriggled out of his arms, standing.

She stretched a little, looking over at the clock, which read six-fifteen.

She bit her lip. It was early, but she should've expected that since she went to sleep so early last night.

She looked over to her bag which lay on the floor, then went over, unzipping it. She grabbed some clothes, deciding that she would shower and get into some fresh clothes since she was wearing the same dirty outfit she was wearing days ago.

She zipped her bag back up, making her way over into the bathroom and shutting the door.

She looked at herself in the mirror, sighing softly.

She was still shocked at the fact that her father was so close, and she could run into him at any time. She was scared he would hurt her. Or Ville. She wouldn't put it past him to do something terrible to either of them.

She shuddered a bit at the thought of him. To her, he was even scary to look at.

His eyes always seemed to be so harsh and angry, along with his expression. She had never seen him happy, Ever.

She was glad during the two months that she hadn't had to look at him. His face had always brought so much fear to her.

When she thought about it, Ville was the complete opposite of him.

When she looked into Ville's eyes, she felt safe, and loved. They were soft, and caring, especially when she was scared or sad.

And his face. It was so beautiful. It made her happy just to lay eyes on him.

She knew he would protect her, but she really didn't want him hurt.

Yet, it was a good feeling to have someone protective of her.

Aria got in the shower after stripping down, and throwing her clothes in a smile pile on the floor.

She sighed as the hot water hit her body, running her fingers through her wet hair.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and she froze, listening.

"Yeah?" She Asked.

"May I come in, love?"

Aria bit her lip, laughing a little. "Of course."

Ville came in, completely dressed, but his curly hair an absolute mess.

"Did you need your hair products, Valo?" Aria asked jokingly, peeking her head out of the shower curtain.

He laughed a little. "How did you know?"

"You have like, millions of shampoos in here." She laughed.

He ran his hand through his hair. "I don't have that many.." he mumbled, smirking a little.

Aria giggled a little, bringing her head back into the shower and grabbing a shampoo bottle. She poured some out into her hand, then put the bottle back and ran her hand through her hair, lathering up the soap.

"Do you mind if I do my hair in here?" Ville Asked.

Aria hummed. "Of course I don't mind."

He smiled, looking in the mirror. "What on earth did I do to deserve you, my dear?"

"I was asking myself the same thing about you." She stated, rinsing the shampoo out of her hair as she spoke.

"You're too cute."

"You're too cute." She retorted.

He laughed his deep laugh that sent chills up her spine.

"You know," he said. "I'm going to wear a hat instead. My hair is far too unmanageable today."

She peeks her head out of the shower curtain again. "Really? Not even your millions of hair products could tame it?"

"Ha ha." He said, smirking a little as he walked over, kissing her on the nose. "I'm going to go make breakfast."

"Okay." She Said, smiling at him before he left the room.

After Ville went to his room and slipped on his favorite black beanie, he went into the kitchen and began looking through the fridge for what he would make for breakfast.

He finally decided on pancakes, something simple, but not as simple as just serving Aria cereal.

He began to make the batter, but was interrupted when the phone rang.

"Ugh.." he held up his hands, which were covered in flour.

He quickly made his way over to the sink, Washing his hands quickly. He dried them off on the towel laying by the sink, then ran over to the phone, pressing the answer button and bringing it to his ear.

"Ville Hermanni Valo speaking." He switched into his professional tone again.

"You just be Aria's boyfriend."

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