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Aliah's POV
It was getting late, and Ali was already drunk. Billie and I were talking but she was also on the verge of being drunk so I decided it would be best for me to take Ali and Billie back to my place since I was the only sober one here tonight. I grabbed Billie and Ali.

"Hey, I think we should go, it's getting late and you two are drunk," I said to both of them over the music.

"Why so early tho?" Ali asked. Billie just nodded her head.

"Because we need to get you home you're fucked up, and if we don't get you out of here now you are going to regret it in the morning," I said to Ali, and she just nodded her head agreeing even though she didn't want to leave.

I looked at Billie and she was on her phone. "You should probably text your brother and tell him you're going to be at my house," I told her.

"I did, I figured it would be better for me to go to your house anyways because I am fucked up," she said. Her words were slurred a bit from the effect of the alcohol she had in her system.

"Okay," I said.

I led Billie and Ali to my car Billie got into the front, and I put Ali in the backseat of my car. I look back at Ali to make sure she is okay, and when I do I see she is sound asleep already. I look over to Billie to see she is looking out the window on her side of the car drifting to sleep.

At Aliah's house

I pulled into the driveway and looked over at Billie to see she was sound asleep. I shake her lightly and try to wake her up. "Billie, wake up, we are at my house. C'mon, let's get you inside so you can rest." I say. She finally begins to wake up. She just looks at me and groans. "I have a fat ass headache." She says.

"I bet you do, but it will go away once you take some medicine and get some sleep so come on," I say. She fully wakes up before she decides to get out of the car. I was already out of the car and on her side of the car getting Ali out carrying her into the house. She wouldn't wake up for the hell of it so I had no choice.

We got into the house and I lay Ali down on the bed in Alhonna's room because I texted her to make sure it was alright with her. She said it was fine because she knows Ali and she didn't mind. Billie followed me upstairs and found her way into my room. After I had Ali in bed I kissed her head and walked out of the room and into mine.

"This shit is fire," Billie said half asleep. While throwing herself onto my bed.

"Thanks, and if you want you can sleep here and I can take the couch over there," I said pointing to the couch in the corner of my room.

"Girl, you have a queen bed. It is big enough for both of us so if I sleep here you can too. Besides this isn't my house anyway so if anyone takes the couch it's going to be me," she says looking at me now more seriously.

"Okay miss Eilish," I said before climbing into bed with her.

She wrapped her arm around me and scooted down so her head was on my chest. We stayed like that for a good ten minutes until her breathing became steady and she drifted off to sleep. Eventually, I fell asleep with my hands in the blonde girl's hair. I was playing with it, it seemed to soothe her when I started so I just continued to do it.

A/n I love you. Take care of yourself because you are beautiful/handsome. Also, comment and tell what should happen in this book and what you like or don't like in it. Eat something, drink something. Enjoy.

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