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Aliah's POV
I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth.  I walked out of the bathroom to see Billie sitting on my bed scrolling through her phone.  She looked up from her phone and looked at me when she looked at me her eyes seemed to light up.  I admired the beautiful blue eyes that were locked on me.

"Hey, are you hungry?"  she asked breaking the silence, causing me to look down at my feet.

"Um, yeah.  What do you want?"  I say still looking down at my feet.

"Taco Bell?"  She asks looking at me.

"Hell yeah, sounds good," I said looking up from my feet.  She is so pretty.

"Okay, bet," she said getting more excited.  We walk out to my car and I drive.  We pull up to Taco Bell and she orders 2 bean burritos and I get my usual.

"I got it," I say, Billie stopped me and stole my card, she gave the person at the window her card.

"Nah, I got it, mama," she said.  When she says that it makes me get butterflies, but I can't fall for her not after what happened last summer.  I'm to this day fucked up over that shit.  It was a lot of shit to handle in one day.  My smile dropped just thinking of what happened.  Billie noticed and looked at me concerned.

"Hey, what's wrong?  You were all smiley and now you don't have a smile on your face," she says looking at me while rubbing my back to comfort me.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it, really I'm fine," that was a lie.  I pulled away from the window when the guy at the window came and gave us our food.  We drove back to my house in complete silence.  Billie had her head on the window looking out of it, I could tell she was worried sick, but I just don't think I'm ready to open up about it.  The only people that know are Ali and Alhonna.  I wasn't going to tell Alhonna but she lives with me so it was hard to hide it from her.  Ali on the other hand she can tell when something is up and I always tell her what I'm upset about.

We pull up to my house and Billie grabbed the food and headed inside.  I walked behind her and Ali was sitting on the couch watching SpongeBob on the TV.

"We got Taco Bell," I said looking at Ali.

"Okay, the usual?" She asked while getting up from the couch.

"Yes, bitch you already know," I said looking through the bag for mine and Ali's food.  We always get the same stuff two bean burritos and a coke.

"Period," she says practically screaming at this point.  "Also I need something for my headache," she says looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Okay, I have some medicine," I say looking at her.

"Thank god, my head hurts like a bitch," she said.

We finished eating and Ali went upstairs to shower leaving Billie and me alone.  I looked at Billie and caught her staring at me.

"You keep staring at me like you wanna fuck me," I said laughing.  What the fuck did I just say.  She looked at me with wide eyes.  "Sorry about that, just a random thing.  That was not come out," I said laughing to myself because I just embarrassed the hell out of myself.

"No, no it's fine," she said looking at me smiling like a little kid who just got a lollipop.  Damn, that smile.  No, I can't think like that besides she's straight and I have too much shit on my mind right now.  I need to stop falling for straight people.

We talked for a little longer until Ali came back down the stairs in some fresh clothes that I gave her to put on.  She looked at me then looked at Billie.

"Oh yeah, let me properly introduce y'all, Ali this is Billie y'all met last night she is the girl that bought those shots for us," I said looking at Ali.

"Billie this is Ali, y'all met last night," I said pointing to Ali.

"Hey," they said at the same time.  We all laughed.

"You look hella familiar," Ali said looking at Billie.

"Yeah, you may know me as Billie Eilish, singer/songwriter," Billie said kinda looking down.  I could tell she didn't like it when people noticed her.

"Oh, that's cool, love your music dude, but I ain't one of those fangirls who will ruin your time," Ali said looking at Billie with honesty in her eyes.  She doesn't care what any of her idols do she just loves and cherishes them.

"Thanks, appreciate it," Billie said as she let out a sigh of relief.  "Yeah, anytime dude, but I'm gonna head out my mom's probably worried sick," Ali said grabbing her things getting ready to leave.  I drove us home in Ali's car because she drove us to the party in her car.

"Okay, I love you bitch,"  I said hugging her bye.

"She's cool, I like her," Billie said looking at me smiling.

"Yeah, I love her she has been there for me through a lot of shit in the past," I said looking at her.  I think I might be falling for her but I can't because of what has happened in the past it's hard to love again because I'm so scared of being hurt.

"Hey, if you ever want to talk I'm here for you," she said looking at me.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," I said.

"Yeah, anytime mama, here this is my number use it," she said taking my phone and putting her number in my phone.  She gives me back my phone and I look at what she put her name in there as.  She put her name in there as Daddy Bil <3.

"Daddy Bil, really?" I asked her laughing at the name.

"Yes," she said looking at me.

"Okay, get it I guess," I said still laughing.  We laughed and joked around for two hours, then I drove Billie to get her car from the house the party was at.

"Alright, well I guess this is bye for now, see you around Eilish," I said hugging her bye.

"Bye mama see you around, don't forget you got my number use it okay?" she said getting into her car.

"Okay, bye Eilish," I said walking back to my car.  She is a sweet person.

I got in my car and started the engine, then I got a message from Billie.

Daddy Bil <3

Daddy Bil <3
Hey, it's Billie.  I had fun with you btw.

I was supposed to text you first but same we should make plans when you're not busy.

Daddy Bil <3
Yeah, I'm free next Friday-Sunday maybe we would chill for the weekend.

Yeah, sounds good.

Daddy Bil <3
Okayyy, your place or mine?

Mine, if that's fine with you.

Daddy Bil <3
That's fine with me see you then.

Yeah, see you then.

Daddy Bil <3

I smiled to myself as I turn off my phone and start to drive back to my house.  I arrive at my house and go inside to get in the shower.  I feel like Billie and I would be great  friends, not girlfriends though, because like I said before the past was too much for me, and as much as I want to be with her and tell her how I feel I can't.


Enjoy this trash ass shit.  Anyways I love y'all eat something, drink something, take care of yourself. 

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