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Billie's POV
It has been a week since I hung out with Aliah, but we keep in touch through face time and text messages when I'm able to. Speaking of Aliah, we are going to hang out at her house this weekend because I'm free and we needed to make plans together eventually. I like Aliah, but after what happened in my last relationship it will be hard to love again. Let's just say I wasted a year of my life loving him and he only cared for himself. I'll get more into detail about that later when I feel like thinking about it. Right now I'm just trying to be happy and not have to worry about wasting my time on someone who ain't going to put any effort into a relationship.

*time speed to Friday*

It's Friday and I'm on my way to Aliah's house for the weekend. I don't know when I'm going to tell Aliah about Brandon, I do plan on telling her sometime in this friendship. I snap out of my thoughts when I find myself in Aliah's driveway, I get out of my car and get my bags. I head to the door. I knock on the door and two minutes later I am met with Aliah, her hair in a messy bun and she had some leggings and a hoodie. She is perfect.

"Hey, mamas," I said, looking her up and down with a smile on my face.

"Hey, Eilish," she said back to me in a silly voice. "How have you been?" she asked later, smiling at me.

"I've been good, how about you?" I respond smiling back at her. Her smile is perfect, everything about her is perfect. If I could kiss her and it wasn't weird then I would. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Aliah speaks up.

"EILISH," she was practically screaming. "Snap out of it," she says laughing.

"Shit, I'm sorry my fault," I said laughing at myself. She just laughs at me, we are now sitting on the couch. We are just joking around and laughing at each other.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked her.

"Yeah, sounds fun, what are we watching?" she asked, clicking on Netflix on the TV.

"How about, 'The Office'?" I asked. She looked at me with so much excitement on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"I love that show like you have no clue," she said.

"Dude, same" I responded. I'm watching the TV when I feel Aliah tap me.

"Yes, princess?" I ask her, seeing a little blush creep onto her face.

"I'm tired, love," she said with a raspy voice. I could tell she was tired.

"Okay mama, come here," I say motioning for her to lay with me. She moves to where I am on the couch and I lay my legs out so she can cuddle me. She gets comfortable and I start my hand through her hair until I hear her breathing get slower. When I see she is asleep I grab her and carry her up the stairs to her bedroom. I lay her in her bed and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. I walk out of the bedroom and I see Aliaj laying across the whole bed, so I gently slide her over to get comfortable. I was thinking about how lucky I was to have met Aliah when I soon drifted off to sleep.

Not the longest one I've done but this is more of a filler chapter

I love y'all stay safe 💕

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